…quotes about mere puny mud-men and women of clay – us.
– From The Damning God
“What God thinks. God has spoken to man – through the Bible. And He is the One that made it all happen. Doesn’t that sort of trump us all? Shouldn’t the Truths of God take precedence over whatever it is that we play around with in our minds?
God is all that matters.He matters because on That Day, someday, we (every one of us!) will stand before Him, the Ultimate Judge, to give an ultimate accounting. And if what you think is not what God thinks, then… who is out-of-line? Who has the wrong “think”? Is it God!? Is it God that doesn’t have His thinking straight? Or is it you?
And so THEN, what are you going to do in That Day? Argue and plead with the Almighty? You really think THAT will work? You are the putty, the mud, in the Sculptor’s hands. Is the mud to question the potter? I stand amazed looking at the arrogant mud-man shaking his puny little mud-fist — at God, the Potter! At God! Ha! What impudence. What futility, despair, regret.
We need to be ready to meet our Maker.
The Damning God.
God is damn right 1, and you damn well better get your thinking right before it is too late. There is hell to pay for those who don’t.
God is a damning God. Without the forgiveness of Christ – you are a God damned puny mud-man. Mere human. 2 And His judgment is eternal. Your thinking is a vapor in the wind, whereas God’s Word is eternal – and real.” (Vapor: James 4:14; Job 8:9; Psalm 39:5; Psalm 39:11; Proverbs 21:6; Ecclesiastes 1:2)
I stand amazed
looking at the arrogant mud-man
shaking his puny little mud-fist
— at God, the Potter!
At God! Ha!
What impudence.
What futility, despair, regret.
– From The Damning God
– from What God Did for Man
GOD’S NATURE. “The damnation of all who have sinned – is based upon God’s nature. He is perfect, holy. His justice requires perfection.
His condemnation of all sinners is not a capricious act, but rather – it is because of who He is, what He is – how He is. There is no effective arguing with God, since He is the Creator, and we are merely His creatures.
We are mere puny mud-men, clay in the Potter’s hand.”
– from Why pray
“To us puny humans, everything God is in Himself, and everything God does in action — is extreme. His power is extreme. His divine nature is extreme. His knowledge is extreme. His mercy is extreme. His compassion is extreme. All that He is – is extreme.
For since the creation of the world
His invisible attributes,
His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen,
being understood
through what has been made,
so that they are without excuse.
After all is said and done, we should be able to see that we are but mere puny humans. And God is greater than we.
Creator God formed us to bring Him honor and glory in everything: everything we aspire for, everything we are, everything we do, everything we think, everything we say (Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27: heart, soul, mind, strength, love)….
…It really does not take much brain matter for us to extrapolate God’s existence (as Romans 1:20 states: “…have been clearly seen.”) The writer of Romans might say today, “What part of all that is plainly set before you – do you NOT get?”
– from Limited Thinking
“What experience do you have in the universe, to be a foundation for your thoughts – by you, yourself? On what do you build your thoughts? Is it only from you and others like you? Do you live your own way?
God’s astounding thoughts are recorded in the Bible. I am amazed, reading the Bible, at how He, The Potter, cared enough about us, puny little mud men… to lower Himself to our level and actually communicate His thoughts, His Way, His view of the universe. Wow!
My unauthorized paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
9 Don’t you know this!?
…that those who live their own way
will not actually get into God’s Kingdom?
They won’t have even the slightest share in it!
Don’t fool yourself by your limited thinking.
Not one person who lives their life their own way
will ever inherit the Kingdom of God or share in any part of it….”
–Swift’s Amped-up Paraphrase of the Passage (AMPED-UP) – 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
– from Vile To Jesus
“In the grip of our “yippeeee” lifestyle, we forget God and His ways. It’s just too much fun, we think. And it is true, we can do anything possible, but, as Jesus taught, there will be a day of reckoning. We have total freedom here on earth, but there are consequences. God does have standards.
What we do may be vile to Jesus! Do you really want to be vile, when being vile will land us in His Courts on That Day, condemned by Creator God the Judge, God-damned forever? Wouldn’t you rather get right with your Creator? Now, before it is too late?
This life is not all there is, but – it is the only life that matters for now. This is it! What ya doin’ with it? Are you fast and free with all ye be, content to be mere mud? Or are you living with eternity in mind, getting ready for that Judgement Day? Have you made the choice? It’s not too late to repent of that – and choose Jesus.”
– from Your Way or God’s Way
“The philosophies of man, are man’s. They don’t reach God. God is totally too awesome for mere man.
God’s way, is His way. He is far too huge to be messed with by you, or me.
We can not reach God on our own. But God, for some unfathomable reason, reached down from His heavens, and made a way for us to reach Him. Jesus….”
– from Be a little more Christian
“These days it seems so few know what the Bible really says about being a Christian. Many think it does not matter what you think.
They say: Follow whatever you prefer. Just call yourself Christian, and try to “be a little more Christian” every day: be nicer, kinder, less cranky, more tolerant, accepting of others. That’s what it’s all about… they say.
But a Christian is not a name you yourself can define however you want. There is no meaning at all if anything can be whatever you want it to be. Puny man: who do you think you are, to think you yourself can define what it is to be a Christian?
Funny one should call himself “Christian”, but say it does not matter what you believe! How rational is that?”
– from Following Someone
“You are a mere man, a created human, living-out your days on God’s earth until He then deigns to call you up front in His Court to His Throne of Judgement, and says to you, “What did you do with my Son, Jesus?”
…He will not ask you what you think. He might not ask you anything. Maybe your whole life will flash before you in an instant, and you will stand there confounded, condemned, with all your sin unforgiven – all on you.”
Why should God let you into His Kingdom?
- “damn”, an advert meaning: extremely, very, highly (Babylon.com).
- Mere men: 1 Corinthians 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:16-17.
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