I have really tried to, but can’t seem to find in the Bible any reference to “Hell Fire Insurance”. Have you?
That’s what some call it: where you can somehow “accept Jesus”, but then, well, all kinds of pressures push you away and back into sin… and you just continue there, blustering defiantly, defensively, when anyone asks you if you’re saved, (or when your conscience worries):
“I accepted Jesus way back when
(It was…how many years ago was that?),
and the Bible says I’m now born again.
Not to worry. Nobody gets saved by works anyways.
I got my “Hell Fire Insurance” policy in place long ago.
Just not going to worry about that now. Too busy.
I’m livin’ large.”
Don’t find that policy anywhere. In fact, Scripture points to an entirely different direction.
Salvation is not: an act of God without participation, a universal covering, a done deal once and for all, saying a magic formula prayer, raise your hand and you’re in like Flynn. Won’t find that type of graciousness in Jesus’ Gospel, anywhere.
Everybody loves a free ride, a lottery ticket bonanza, a free lunch, something for nothing, an easy time, participation without contributing anything; a ride to somewhere for which no payment is demanded. Somehow “salvation by grace” has been redefined to mean: on-the-house, full ride, gratis, welfare, your money is no good here, compliments of the house, complimentary, free, free and clear, free of cost, costless, easy street, bed of roses, Elysium, lap of luxury. Well, you get my point. – Sources: TheFreeDictionary.com, Thesaurus.com.
- Nobody waltzes into heaven nonchalantly and arrogantly seats himself at the feasting table with the saints. No swagger there.
- Nobody repeats the sinners prayer, walks out the door to live like the Devil, and then steps blithely through Heaven’s Gate.
- Can’t be grand-fathered-in. You won’t get in because your mama was a saint.
Neither is salvation: penance or absolution, a lifetime of earning it, an act of our own, a sweat shop process where we desperately earn our way to God by the sweat of our brow – working and working… to earn our way into God’s favor.
There seems to be a misunderstanding of what the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is – as God offers it.
What did Jesus say? “You must be born again.” – John 3: verse 7
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born [b]again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” – John 3: verse 3
We (humans created by God) have fallen so far from the Holy nature of God – that we can never hope to qualify for entry to His Holy Kingdom – except through the way God’s legal system demands: through accepting His gift of grace, salvation through His Son, Jesus. The perfect nature of God demands a perfect substitute to free us from his just condemnation. And if we do not accept His Way, there is no way to heaven. There is no highway to heaven, no stairway to heaven. Only Jesus saves.
John 3:16 16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
If we humble our self and call to Him, He is faithful and just to respond. But we must come “with sincerity and truth“. Nothing feigned, nothing held back, an all or nothing experience called “salvation in Christ”.
Romans 10:13 “…whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” – NKJVersion
John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.”
We cannot out-smart God, out-think God, or fool with God. He knows all and sees into the depths of our innermost being. Our sincerity and truth is absolutely demanded by God – to be saved. He requires our all, sincerely, and truthfully. Sincerity is all over the Bible.
We demand it in our relationships, right? Or are you okay with a spouse who is insincere, and fakes love? Or are you okay with employee’s fake commitment to working – as the boss? Or are you okay with insincere, fake news, with imposter reporters?
God will see and know you are sincerely humbled and repentant, and He will hear your truthful confession of faith in Him, and your sincere desire to follow Him with all that is inside you:
Luke 10:27
And he answered,
“You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your strength,
and with all your mind;
and your neighbor as yourself.”
There is no such thing as Hell Fire Insurance. Even a child can understand that! We must be genuine when we come to Him. We must accept Christ sincerely and in truth.
We have a great big wonderful God, a God of great grace and enormous mercy. God Almighty is offering us His free gift. He will graciously accept the most vile offender, giving that repentant believer the right to be called “a child of the King” (John 1:12). Come just as you are. He can handle however evil your life has been – and He will grant you entrance into His Kingdom, forever. He is that great. That forgiving. Hallelujah!
Turn to Jesus. He died to save you, to give you eternal life with Him. But, as has been said:
I’ve got to want it See OMG article: Want It
“You’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed” –Bob Dylan, “Gotta Serve Somebody“. Writer(s): Bob Dylan. Copyright: Special Rider Music. See OMG article: World of Difference
“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” –Jesus, Matthew 16:24
“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” –Apostle Paul, Romans 10:9
– Source: article on this site – Vile to Jesus
I have really tried to, but can’t seem to find in the Bible any reference to “Hell Fire Insurance”. Have you? Actually Scripture points to an entirely different policy.
How much is Heaven worth to you?
The Roman Road to Salvation in Christ
Jesus Saved Me (…He can save you also)
Lord Father I bow my heart before You
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