Christ’s Spectacular Millennium [Paperback]
Denny Bolen (Author)
Book Description
Publication Date: April 13, 2012
This is an exploration of the soon-coming 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Ever wonder about the Millennium? You probably saw it mentioned a few times in the Book of Revelation. Just enough information there to pique your curiousity? This author has gone on a quest to learn more. Denny has discovered that the Millennium is the most written about topic in the Bible. Once he found the key to over 400 verses of descriptive passages, it became very intriguing. He invites you to join him in exploring the very exciting life that awaits each follower of Christ in the Millennium. He answers such questions as: What happens to Israel at the end of the Tribulation? What is the course of events for the Bride of Christ? What happens to those who survive The Tribulation and are permitted to enter the Millennium? When do we get to see or visit the New Jerusalem? What are God’s purposes for Christ’s Millennium? Why is Satan loosed at the end?
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