One might ask: What might the Church have done that could have slowed down today’s relativism and our entitlement culture? The answer: Nothing.
God set His Church in motion, right behind Christ’s death, right? So everything was optimal for us. The Holy Spirit now indwelt the believer. All the teachings were there for us. All the right stuff. What happened is …sin. Sin always messes with us.
It’s like the statistics that reveal church members to be as sinful as the world: same rate of divorce, etc. Why are we surprised?! We, the Church, take-in the sick and the weary, the fallen and shameful. That is us. Jesus said He was here for them – not the well and swell – “everything is fine” group. Becoming His child changes us on the spot (2 Cor. 5:17), but, without exception, we all continue to do battle with the world, the flesh, and the Corruptor.
Same with relativism and the entitlement mindset: Sin is always trying to dilute and corrupt our theology, doctrines, and worldview.
What we need is: obedience. A daily abiding in Christ. That’s it. Simple and plain.
And obedience to God, righteous living, is a growth process that is nurtured by healthy fellowship of the believers, teaching of the Word, prayer, repentance, worship, and serving others according to the special gifting of God upon our life.
It is humility before God, confession of personal unworthiness and sins, repentance before God, that then brings us to a resulting victory in Christ, renewal, filling of the Spirit… that then keeps us learning the Truth, listening in humbleness to His “still, small voice”, rejecting error and human philosophies.
Then we don’t hold truths as relative. And it is humbleness before a God who saved us – to an unworthy state of grace and acceptance in Christ… that makes any entitlement mentality absurd.
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