Oh what a day that will be! To enter into the Kingdom of God – freely as His redeemed child. No cringing in shame, no sweating in fear, no burden of sinfulness before a Holy God. I can only imagine.
There is no greater grace. There is no greater grace. There is no greater grace! There is no greater grace – than that of God’s grace upon His creation — through His Son, Christ Jesus, my Lord. Thank you God.
To be received by God! To be accepted – no matter my past, no matter the weight of sins I have committed, no matter what I’ve been, whatever evil I have fallen for, He will accept me on That Day!
Not because of any other grace, any other act, any other religion, any other faith. Christ alone can save. Christ alone. Christ alone is able to pay the penalty within God’s great Justice System.
Sin condemns any and all because the Creator is a Holy God. He cannot just wipe away the stain. His holiness demands, requires, justice be done.
It is the justice of God that is required for any man, any woman, any child — to be saved from His condemnation of sin. Without the sacrifice of Christ, we are all lost forever, forever condemned. But Christ chose to become a human man, offered His perfect life as a perfect sacrifice, and died, taking our penalty for us – thus fulfilling God’s requirement of punishment for our sin for all time.
But His salvation is not automatic. The Bible teaches us that we each must individually accept God’s offer of forgiveness. Based on Christ’s death on our behalf, we can be saved from God’s condemnation. Like the thief on the cross alongside Jesus the Christ — we also can: acknowledge our sinfulness, acknowledge Christ as our Redeemer God, choose to deny all other gods, and follow Him alone.
Without repentance there is no forgiveness by God. Without repentance and acceptance of Christ as Lord – we remain under condemnation in God’s Court of Justice. No other god, no other religion, no other philosophy is acceptable for redemption before God the Father, Creator of all that is.
THAT is the promise of the Gospel of Christ shared for all to receive – in His Word, the Bible. We can receive Christ, and live forever in the joys of God’s Kingdom, or we can reject Christ, and forever be damned. For without grace there is no salvation. We are not covered by His grace unless we choose to follow Him.
The Gift by His Precious, Undeserved Grace
Heaven. What’s it going to be like?
I Have to Believe w/lyrics. Sung by Rita Springer (on YouTube)
Gonna Be Worth It!! With lyrics – Sung by Rita Springer (on YouTube)
“…I don’t understand Your ways…” “…pulling me into Your ways…”
Also a good video with this same song: Worth It All!! video by espaytons
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
“Therefore if you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, sharing in His resurrection from the dead],
keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value].
3 For you died [to this world], and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, [a]appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” – Source: Colossians 3:1-4
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