I want it. I’ve got to want it, to get it. I never get anywhere unless I want it. I’ve got to want it – to get anything in life.
There are of course those random flukes, like lottery wins – although even that I’d have to want it… and go buy a ticket. No ticket, no win. (So THAT’S why I never win!)
And there are those rare and delightful serendipitous moments, and occasional fortuitous events in my past (and soon to come?!). And yes, there are unforeseen accidents that came upon me suddenly. They happen.
And there are life matters that just happened to me: my birth, birth country, citizenship, parents, upbringing, economic level of my folks, siblings, racial makeup, my body, my looks, my brain capability, health, disease…. I had no choice whatsoever in those matters. That’s just the way it is.
But, beyond the randomness, beyond those matters beyond my control, the reality is that much of life is a choice. Living is full of choice-upon-choice, day after day, minute by minute. I have to want it – to get it. Life demands desire and choice, impetus and decision. From the basics of life – to the complexities of making a go of it, as they say, what gets me there is my personal initiative and my drive to get it done. I choose – or not.
The basics are obvious, but not often really examined or well thought-through:
- Hygiene and body image: I regularly choose to wash, bathe, comb my hair (what’s left of it!), brush and floss, dress for the day, etc. If I don’t want it, nobody does it for me!
- Activities and involvements of the day: I regularly work my jobs. I buy the groceries, and shop for stuff. None of it happens randomly. Every day I have to want it enough to get up and go do it.
The complexities of life don’t come easy:
- Relationships (family, singleness, marriage, parenting, friendships, neighborhood, fellow-workers) career/job choices, money management at any level, citizenship (political party, voting, volunteering), leisure, hobbies.
- Values, philosophies, faith, worldview.
You’ve gotta want it.
If I don’t want it, it does not happen. I have to want it enough, make the decisions, and go for it. If not me, then who? Nobody. I make my life happen – not my mommy nor my wife, not my brother nor my sister. It’s me.
Then there is the matter of me and God. The first step to discovering God is wanting to. He is there, but I’ve got to want to know more about Him. I choose to – or not.
“Draw near to God
He will draw near to you.”
–James 4:8
I know this creation I am in did not just randomly happen. Impossible. The bog and slime theories are pathetic overreaching guesses. To have as your premise some kind of unintelligent birthing of intelligence and design… is so unbelievable it’s laughable and foolish. I don’t believe it. So I’ve spent my life investigating God. I want truth, not fraud.
How about you? Do you really believe ¨the think¨ our society shoves us into? Do you think our intelligence and the creative design of all that is around us – came from slime? Have you thought-it-through for yourself? What will be your fundamental tenet when you finally stand at heaven’s gate? Will you wait till then for proof?
God is real. The evidence is there. Where are you? Do you want it enough to actually investigate God? Do it now because tomorrow you may be kneeling before Him.
I’ve got to want it, to get it. I never get anywhere unless I want it. I’ve got to want it – to get anything in life. Beyond the randomness, beyond those matters beyond my control, the reality is that much of life is a choice.
Shortest Conversion in the Bible
Receiving the forgiveness of God through Jesus the Messiah Excerpt: God accepts you only one way: flat on your face. Complete humbleness. We must humble ourselves before God can forgive us. Drop the pride, the arrogance. Attitudes be gone, like “I know best”. “Don’t tell me how to think”, “I did it my way”.
What Is Intelligent Design? | by the Access Research Network