…science as discovered by those who do not reject God Creator
Science, by God, quite complex – is it not! Ever stop to think that Creator God, having created all that is, would have a thing or two to say about it in His Word, the Bible? It is not a science book, but it gives us truths that guide our understanding of this world and the universe around it.
All the body of scientific knowledge man currently knows, has been discovered piece by piece, fossil by fossil, molecule by molecule, strand by strand. It all was there from the beginning, but man in his limited knowledge, has to discover it. It’s all there, waiting for someone to see it, know it, understand it, use it, create with it.

[See annotated sky in pic: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html]
“Smith College professor of biological sciences, Robert Dorit says, “The apparent fit between organisms seems to suggest some higher intelligence at work, some supervisory gardener bringing harmony and color to the garden.”
For scientists looking for an explanation within the “garden” to avoid the inference of an external “supervisory gardener,” this appearance of design is difficult to explain.”
– by J.Warner Wallace, a Cold-Case Detective, a Christian Case Maker, and the author of Cold-Case Christianity and God’s Crime Scene.
Here, in the following section, is science as discovered by those who have clear eyes to see the realities of the universe – because they accept God as Creator, and thus can capture evidences as they are examined.
Creationists.org (see their statement of faith: http://www.creationists.org/statement-of-faith.html#eleven)
Read the book, God’s Crime Scene -by J.Warner Wallace
Buy the book (list of retailers), God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe, -by J.Warner Wallace
Does the Cumulative Case for Design Point to a Divine Designer? -by J.Warner Wallace
Why the Appearance of Design in Biology Is a Problem for Atheistic Naturalism (from ColdCaseChristianity.com)
The mission of Evidence for God from Science is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage skeptics to examine the truth claims of Christianity. Jim contributes here as an article author.
Robert J. Hutchinson Blog and Books
Read the book: Searching for Jesus: New Discoveries in the Quest for Jesus of Nazareth—and How They Confirm the Gospel Accounts. Hardcover – October 27, 2015. by Robert J. Hutchinson (Author)
Atheists Take Credit for Science When They Had Nothing to Do with It, by Robert J. Hutchinson
How Heretics Help Establish the Historicity of Jesus. From ColdCaseChristianity.com; by J. Warner Wallace … a Cold-Case Detective, a Christian Case Maker, and the author of Cold-Case Christianity
‘The End of Reason‘ by Ravi Zacharias – a review by Lydia Asker
Christmas and Hanukkah – Thinking of Our Jewish Friends (Part One) –by Team Christi
One Minute Apologist… We provide quick, credible answers to apologetic questions that resource people with a hunger to defend their Christian faith: http://oneminuteapologist.com
From Atheism to Christianity: a Personal Journey by Philip Vander Elst, working with The Areopagus organization. See other resources by Elst
Additional Resources to Investigate the Faith –List from coldcasechristianity.com
PleaseConvinceMe.com examines the Christian Worldview from the perspective of a detective. It seeks to equip believers, encourage seekers and engage skeptics by providing them with the reasons why Christians believe what they believe. Jim founded this ministry and contributes here as a blog and article author.
Founded by Matt Walker, Anchor Apologetics is a ministry specifically designed to answer the big questions of life, provide direction for young people trying to understand what God intends for them, and help people defend what they believe as Christians. Jim contributes to Anchor Apologetics as an article contributor.
Led by Frank Turek and other Christian apologists, CrossExamined.org exists to address the problem that 3-out-of-4 Christian youth leave the church while in college, many because they are intellectually skeptical. Jim contributes here as a blog author and instructor at the CrossExamined Instructor’s Academy.
BreakPoint is a Christian worldview ministry that seeks to build and resource a movement of Christians committed to living and defending Christian worldview in all areas of life. Jim contributes here as an article and blog author.
Christian Apologetics Alliance
The Christian Apologetics Alliance is a group of Christian bloggers with a common desire to seek, love and serve God with all of our minds, and to be prepared to give a reasonable answer for why we believe as we do to those seeking Jesus Christ. Jim contributes here as a blog author.
ConversantLife.com is a content and social media experience that delivers engaging content on faith and culture.It is a place where people can access content and connect with a community of believers and spiritual seekers on a variety of culturally relevant topics such as Creative Arts, Film, Music, Spirituality, Global Concerns, Relationships and more. Jim contributes here as a blog author.
Christianity.com is a group of writers and editors with a passion for giving people access to what is enduringly Christian. We believe that God’s truth should be available to everyone. Thus, a vision of accessible orthodoxy inspires and drives us to help people around the world know God and better understand the Christian faith. Jim contributes here as a blog author.
Apologetics.com exists to remove intellectual impediments to Christian faith, thereby enhancing believers’ confidence in, and weakening skeptics’ objections to, the gospel message. Jim contributes here as a blog author.
Bible.org exists to freely share the good news from God to the entire world so you can know the truth about life and eternity. Bible.org provides free access on the Internet to the finest, most trustworthy biblical truths and materials. J im contributes here as an article author.
Real Clear Apologetics provides information regarding worldviews and creates an online community with healthy dialogue. Jim contributes here as a blog author.
The mission of Evidence for God from Science is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage skeptics to examine the truth claims of Christianity. Jim contributes here as an article author.
The Poached Egg Christian Worldview and Apologetics Journal is a website founded and edited by Greg West. Greg features many of Jim’s articles.
Ratio Christi is a non-profit organization encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christian students at universities around the world through the use of intellectual investigation and apologetics. Jim speaks at many Ratio Christi events and is a featured speaker for the organization.
Summit Ministries is an educational Christian ministry responding to the current post-Christian culture. Jim contributes here as a faculty member at the Summit Worldview Conference (Colorado campus).
Biola University Apologetics and Events
Jim serves here as an Adjunct Professor of Christian Apologetics in the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics degree program.