All over the Muslim areas of the world, Jesus is honoring Muslims with dreams and visions. Jesus is calling Muslims to Himself, calling them to believe in Him and follow Him.
Would you feel honored if Jesus appeared to you in a dream? I certainly would. It would be the most exciting dream I have ever had! Wow. To be visited by Jesus Himself in my dream? THAT would be a most amazing honor.
God loves Muslims. He wants them to come to the knowledge of the Truth.
It appears that, because Muslims are so cloistered, locked-away from the witness of Christian believers, unable to receive the Truth of the gospel of Jesus´ good news to man… that Jesus has chosen to appear to receptive hearts – by way of dreams and visions. These are very exciting days, difficult in the lands of Islam, but exciting to have God speaking to man in their dreams.
Muslim traditions in Islamic faith are filled with important dreams. Thus Muslims are receptive to dreams and feel that dreams are important. God is using this to draw people to Himself. Read the book about personal Muslim accounts of dreams: Dreams and Visions.
There are plenty of warnings against false dreams, such as this:
But God has used legitimate dreams all throughout history. There are many examples in Scripture of where God Himself utilized dreams to accomplish His will:
Joseph Interprets The Pharaoh´s Dream Genesis 40 [Full Chapter]
Daniel interpreted dreams and visions Daniel 1:17
In days past, God promised a future era during which He would communicate to mankind via dreams and visions. (I still am constantly amazed by this fact, that God, Almighty, would deign to talk to us and save us from His totally just condemnation! See: The Damning God, Oh what a day that will be!, Vortex of Good & Evil)
We are to be wary of dreams, visions, prophesies, and miracles, as Scripture so clearly states:
But God does things HIS way, in HIS time, as HE chooses. We would do well to follow His lead and love Muslims as He loves. We should pray for Muslims to come into the Truth.
the Spirit of truth, comes,
He will guide you
into all the truth;
for He will not speak on His own initiative,
but whatever He hears, He will speak;
and He will disclose to you
what is to come.