…if you say there is no God.
Scripture says you are an idiot – if you say there is no God. Now why would you, such a smart person, be a verifiable idiot?
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” – Psalm 14:1
Well, let’s count the ways. Here are some possibilities:
- The evidence is soooo against you being correct.
- You have to be intellectually dishonest to not see you are such an idiot.
- You are fooling yourself.
- You are so arrogant that you cannot admit you have been wrong in this.
- You are so rebellious, and want to live your life how you please …regardless.
- You are such a genius that you think you can out-argue the evidence.
- You are so conceited that you will only listen to yourself, not the evidence.
- You are so jaded (gorged) by fallacious thought, that you can’t see the truth.
Let’s just look at a few evidences showing the existence of an intelligent designer, that things did not just evolve. Design is all throughout the creation we live in:
- Your eyes… Eyes are so complex: how could they have evolved after the body was ready to receive and protect them – and not before?
- Your brain… Scientists can’t even come close to replicating a brain!
- The butterfly…. Scientists have revealed the monarch butterfly’s secret to not getting lost
- Whale vomit… How could this exist!? Lucky couple find precious lump of smelly whale vomit
Quite an array of diverse evidences show us that you are an idiot.
Okay. Let’s get a little more serious. Here is some research to see evidences of God in the universe. Hope these are helpful.