Prayer of Repentance To Christ
Salvation is not about doing or acting or looking like anything. It is about personally accepting Christ as your Savior, saying to God in prayer something like,
“Jesus, I acknowledge to You
that I am a sinner in need of your forgiveness.
I repent of my past
and ask that You will
forgive me.
My desire is to follow You
for the rest of my life.”
Then, after accepting Jesus as your Savior: learn more about God by reading His Word, the Bible. Daily, talk to God. Keep your relationship with God fresh. Pray every day something like,
“Lord God, you are so good.
Thank you for your love,
your forgiveness and
your acceptance….
I confess my sins to you this day….
Thank you that you have forgiven me.
I am so totally excited about
someday being with you in Heaven.
I want to please you!
So I yield myself to you anew
right now.
I really want you to empower me this day
with your Holy Spirit
that I may become
more and more
like Jesus
in all I think and say and do.
I look to you
for Your leading
and guidance this day.
I say this all
in the name of Jesus Christ,
What is a “Prayer of Repentance To Christ”? Here is an example.
Psalm 51 type repentance and salvation
Make Self Talk – God Talk. It goes on and on and on
The ABCs of Salvation – Source: JD Farag: The Great Reset – Controlled Demolition for a New World on HarbingersDaily.com
Does saying a “sinners prayer” save one from going to hell?
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