Are you one of those? The many “enlightened” folks who have tasted what God does in Christians… but you haven’t really yielded to God, you haven’t truly choosen to follow Him? Have you fallen away?
Hebrews 6: verse 6…and then have fallen away
This passage speak of you? This is like a warning: Hebrews 6:4-5
There have to be “things that accompany salvation” (v9), or there was no salvation in the first place. You can’t have a salvation that does not change anything! That is no salvation at all!
Change is what salvation in Christ does to us: salvation changes you and makes you brand new. God makes you a new creation when you are born again.
Hebrews 6: verse 9
…things that accompany salvation
When the buzz is gone, the excitement is over, the others have gone home, and it’s only you: are you truly His, or was it just a thrill, an emotional high, a status thing, a “thing” you’ve done – something religious that you like?
This is normal for some. Year after year, week after week… they claim to be “a Christian”. They identify themselves as “a person of faith“. Isn’t that the thing to say these days.? They just really really like the experience of it all. But, but, but they never genuinely bow their soul to God and let Him in.
Hebrews 6: verse 4
…have once been enlightened
and have tasted of
the heavenly gift
and have been
made partakers of
the Holy Spirit,
5 and have tasted
the good word of God
and [have tasted]
the powers of the age to come…
Repentance and confession is not an emotion. It’s not a ritual you do. Coming to God is not – going to church. It’s not the act of answering the call to come forward at a service to “accept Christ“. Those do not stir God at all.
He responds to a genuine bowing of your soul to Him in repentance and acceptance of Christ as Lord of your life. If Christ is not truly your Lord, then you are not truly saved.
You only have one go at this. One chance. As they say, “First you live, then you die”. Don’t blow it! Don’t wait another moment: bow your heart, your soul, your will, your mind, your everything – to Christ.
37 And He [Christ] said to him,
“‘You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and
with all your mind.’
– Matthew 22:37
You can’t opt-out your heart, opt-out your soul, opt-out your mind or any part of you – and expect God to be fooled into believing you have genuinely bowed your soul to Him. You are either all-in, or you are all-out.
You must be born again. No turning back. No turning back.
Be His with all of you. He does not take pieces and parts. Creator God asks for all of you.
Are you in or are you on the sidelines. Are you in… all the way in?
Be very sure. Very sure. Be very sure.
2 Corinthians 13:5 …examine your heart
It is what it is: The Bible Is God’s Word To Us
“They remove their hearts far from Me”:
Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6; Isaiah 29:13; Hebrews 4:12.
OMG is correct….I am utterly amazed how Father God guides my sinful hand to find websites I have no idea are available to help find the questions answered so directly to my needs right here-right now. Thank you, M.Green-Corona De Tucson, AZ.
His hands are on us to guide and protect. Keep looking to Him, Michael. Blessings on you bro’