Self-talk can be God-talk. All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? “Talk it” to God.
You can direct all your self-talk to God as prayer. You can have intimate conversations with God in the privacy of your inner self. That is just so totally awesome!
pray without ceasing…
–1 Thessalonians 5:17
- It’s healthier than just talking to yourself. Transform your inner life – by directing your thoughts to God in prayer.
- Make your self-talk… God-talk! Realize that He promises to hear you and cares totally about what you are going through day-to-day, moment-by-moment.
- You will have better mental, emotional and spiritual health – when your inner thoughts are constantly directed to God. It becomes prayer!
- You will understand things better when you talk to God in your mind. It is healthy when you pass everything to God in prayer this way:
- My life, my circumstances, my trials, my struggles. My joys, my sorrows, my longings, my desires. My hopes, my fears, my dismay, my alleluias. My sins: my angers, my lusts, my hatreds…. My lack of trust in Him. My every waking moment full of life’s thoughts. God knows them all.
- Cultivate habits of prayer to Him in the privacy of your mind. It’s a totally healthy thing.
Source: Jesus Knows Your Thoughts
Make Self Talk… God Talk. It goes on and on and on
Psalm 72: The Reign of the Righteous King/Thoughts to cultivate
a centurion of what was called the Italian cohort,
2 a devout man and one who feared God
with all his household,
and gave many alms to the Jewish people
and prayed to God continually.
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