Hey! I Am speaking here. You may know me simply as “God”. From the Old Testament, my name is, Jehovah, or Yahweh (pronounced ˈyäˌwā), or Lord, I Am – the One that made all there is.
I have been calling you to come to Me. I tell you the truth – I still love you and want you to follow Me. Your sins do not keep Me away from you. It is your heart. You …are not letting Me in.
I created you to be forever free, never forced to do anything for Me, always only constrained by the knowledge of My immense love for you. I’d like to make you brand new inside. But, so far you have not asked.
Because I love you, will you turn to Me now?
Within my Kingdom, there is no sin, no blemish — not even one creature here that is not completely pure. That is why you are currently condemned to be forever outside My Realm. I cannot let you in. Any with sin is forboden to enter. Quite simple, actually: As Holy God, this is a Holy Kingdom, and My nature cannot allow for impurity.
In fact, you are so far from my standards that you are presently under a legal sentence of condemnation to go to Hell. However, in My Kingdom there is a way for you to be legally pardoned.
Within My legal system here in My Kingdom, I Myself made a big sacrifice to save you from the Law of Sin and Death that condemns you. I declared a new law of forgiveness and pardon – a covenant I will keep forever. It is only for those who, with sincerity and truth – turn to Me in repentance. Whosoever wills may come. Your choice.
Because of the legal system of My Kingdom, and because of who I Am, I have ordained that My Son Jesus be the way to enter Heaven. Nobody else is good enough to qualify as the perfect lamb of sacrifice! All those other “ways to God” — are merely false teachers and religious charlatans!
There is salvation in no one else. Jesus only, always, forever. Jesus is the Way. There are no other ways to get to Heaven except Jesus.
All other “ways to salvation” are false and not of Me. So don’t go that way. Turn to Jesus. Only Jesus comes from Me.
And, since He died and rose again in power, He made possible the Heavenly authority to declare you legally forgiven. My only Son, Jesus, was miraculously born into the flesh of a baby, so that a perfect man could then legally take-on the punishment which all mankind deserves.
You know — you could never step into My Presence and survive. The only way you can survive being in My Holy Presence is if I first forgive you and make you brand new. No other way. You are just too rotten to the core. Sin has ruined you, so I have to change you, totally. There is nothing in you that is good enough to make it past Heaven’s Gate. Deep inside you know that.
So, the choice is yours, and only you can make the choice. Because of who I Am, I will never force you into My Kingdom. I created you with the free choice to live as you choose. But, remember this: Your choice has consequences you will live with forever. There is no second chance once you die here on earth.
I tell you the truth: No man comes to Me – except through the Way I have legally provided for you – through My Son Jesus.
Jesus said it Himself, “No man comes to the Father but through Me.” That is the Truth.
Believe Me: I am very patient. You are alive now because I am very patient. I have waited and waited. I have given you many chances to turn to Me. You have rejected Me, time after time. You know this is true.
I tell you the truth: If you draw near to Me, I will draw near to you. You do not have to “clean-up your act” now. Just come as you are – to Jesus.
If you choose freedom in Christ — I will save you from your sins. I will forgive you of your sins. I will remove your sins so far away… as far away as the east is from the west! I Myself will make you into a brand new creature. You will be totally cleared, by My own authority, to enter My Heavenly Gates when the time comes for you to leave this earth.
Do you want to spend “forever” living with Me in My Kingdom? Or do you want your own ways now for whatever years you live on earth – and then spent eternity in regret and …well, you know.
Repent now. There is no magic formula or speech. Just speak your heart to Me, sincerely and truthfully. I can hear your voice. I can hear your thoughts. Direct your heart to Me — something like this:
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner.
I believe you came down from heaven
to die on a cross to save me.
In this moment right this second,
I turn away from all my sin: I reject it all.
And I ask that You will declare me,
“Forgiven forever!”
I don’t know much about You,
but I am asking You:
Please welcome me into your Kingdom
right here right now, here on earth
for as long as You give me life –
and take me to be with You when I die.
I believe in You. I want to follow You.
Help me. Give me the strength to follow You.
Thank you for forgiving me
of all the bad in me.
Thank you for making me brand new inside.
My hope is in you, Jesus.
Oh my God, Jesus, thank You.
Thank You. Thank You, God.
Thanks ya’all,
Almighty God
Hey! I Am speaking here. You may know me simply as “God”. I have been calling you to come to Me. I tell you the truth – I still love you and want you to follow Me. Your sins do not keep Me away from you. It is your heart. You …are not letting Me in.
This is God speaking | This article is a satire about the way God might discuss theology with the NAR-types.
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
Wandering Stars. The Paganism of Bethel, Hillsong, and the NAR pt 1
Jesus saves and Jesus condemns
How you can know you are a Christian
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