Being “bad” or “good” is not the issue with God. God will judge us. But His judgement is based on His grace. Thankfully, His Judgement is not about how bad you’ve been. And, how good you’ve been will not help Him approve you. Whatever you have been, or not been, it is possible now to be approved by Him in His Court of Justice.
“Good or bad” is not the issue. The issue is: your choice.
He wants you to come to Him – just as you are. And then He will change you – and make you ready for His Kingdom. When do you figure you will accept Jesus? IT’S TIME! Now. Because this life is our only chance at salvation. Tomorrow was never promised.
It’s not a matter of what you’ve done, bein’ bad or good. It is a matter of: what will you do with His Son, Jesus. It matters because only Jesus saves. No other god, no other anything. Only Jesus, because only Jesus is truly God.
Do you really want to serve anyone or anything other than the One True Creator God?
Since God is in charge, there is no real choice but one. Each of us is already born in a condition called “not good enough”. And you can’t earn your way back. You have to be born again – by His Spirit.
God’s standard is perfection. Nothing less. Kind of feel like that’s unreachable… perfection? What you are when you arrived here kickin’ and a hollerin’ – requires that you turn to God and get born again (on the inside)… so that God Himself can change you into a brand new creature (on the inside), fit for His Kingdom. But we are prone to get so busy with life, so shackled by sin, so into our own ways — that His Way is no way for us.
So, we need to get over that! Don’t worry about:
being good enough for God,
having been too bad for God,
trying to change yourself before coming to Him.
Who do you think you are? Do you want to know what God thinks you are? You are so important to Him, that He left His throne in heaven to become just like us – in order to save us. He wants you. God loves you. THAT is who you are. You are someone of so much worth — that Jesus came here to die on your behalf!
The truth has been passed-down to us in the Bible:
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16
“Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. – Romans 10:13
“We believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus [not by anything good we can do on our own]…. – Acts 15:11
Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned. – Mark 16:16
The choice is in front of all of us: What will I do with Jesus? THAT is the question of all questions for us here on earth.
What about you?
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