If you are not born again – well then, you have to keep on sinning. It’s your nature. Still.
But, if you have been saved, then you are a brand new creation. You have been changed, and the Bible says you do not have to sin! He empowers us to refuse sin.
He “…is able to keep you from stumbling,
and to make you stand
in the presence of His glory
blameless with great joy”
– Jude 1: verses 24-25
We are exhorted to “be holy”. That’s right. Not just “pretty good”, or, “be as good as you can be today”. The standard for living in Christ is: be holy.
but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior
– 1 Peter 1:15
He can “keep you from stumbling”. So: How’re you doing with that?!
Jesus never condones nor excuses sin. However, when we do sin, Jesus does not condemn or put-us-down. He Himself did not shame or think little of a very sinful woman, the prostitute caught in the act. He respectfully said he did not condemn her. But He then encouraged her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11). The same for us, no matter the Degrees of Sin (see reference), no matter “the level of sin” we struggle to conquer. The Spirit gives strength to not stumble. Don’t accept your sinfulness.
The true believer in Christ, having been entirely changed inside, will start to see the fruit of being filled with His Holy Spirit. Good fruit will be produced in our lives. It involves us actively “putting on” and “obeying” God.
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