This announcement just came out (in 2017) – with the news that Qureshi has died:
Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Christianity who previously served with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, passed away at 34 after a year-long battle with stomach cancer. He received the cancer diagnosis on August 24, 2016 – eleven years from the very day he acknowledged and received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. – Source: Gospel Herald online
Qureshi served the Lord faithfully for 12 years after rejecting Islam and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
I found this prayer a month ago (August 20th, 2017), praying for the healing of Qureshi. I am totally amazed how far from Jesus’ prayers this is. Do you pray biblically? Or, do you pray like this, not heeding Scripture?
Abba, I decree that Nabeel Q shall not die but live and declare the works of God as your Word promises. I now speak life and life in more abundance to Nabeel’s body in Yeshua’ name and I command his cells, tissues, arteries, veins, and all systems to come into alignment with the Word of God and receive healing now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I curse the cancer in his stomach and command it to flee from his flesh right now in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I declare this to Nabeel dry bones come alive in the Majestic Name of Yeshua HaMashiha, the Wonderful Healer! Abba, I thank you for the promise of Your Word that says, “By Yeshua’s name Nabeel was healed and I ask this in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!
– Source: Sindee • 2 months ago (2017) [Editor’s note: approximately June 2017 was 2 months ago] | http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/70462/20170515/ravi-zacharias-preliminary-goodbye-nabeel-qureshi-amid-devastating-cancer-update.htm
This type of prayer is not Scriptural. Biblical prayer is not a decree; and we do not “curse” disease. Please don’t tell me it is based on Jesus cursing the tree! (Mark 11:12-14;19-24)
“I decree”, “I command…”, “I curse the cancer…”, “I… command it to flee right now”, “I declare this to… dry bones”? What “promise” of the Word says THAT (“By Yeshua’s name Nabeel was healed and I ask this in Jesus Mighty name.”)? How would being healed “come into alignment with the Word of God”!? Do you presume to know the will of God for Nabeel’s future?
Did Jesus teach us to pray like this? Not at all!
I think the prayer of Nabeel Qureshi himself is much more biblical, which was said during the Houston, Texas flooding, 8/28/2017, 3 days after surgery to remove his stomach, a life-saving measure preventing him from bleeding out:
“We are praying that it was the right choice and that God will bless that decision and that ultimately, He can even work miracles,” Qureshi said, adding that he’s keeping his faith in God no matter what the outcome is.
“I am contending for healing. I am asking God to heal. I believe with all my heart that God has the power to heal in the blink of an eye,” he explained. “But, my faith in God isn’t shaken by whether or not He will heal me. I will believe in God no matter what. I trust him. He is sovereign and I love him.” – Muslim convert to Christianity, Christian apologist and author Nabeel Qureshi; previously served with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. (http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/71300/20170828/nabeel-qureshi-safely-evacuated-hurricane-harvey-floodwaters-surround-home-houston.htm)
Now that is a biblical prayer. Biblical prayer “contends” for God to answer, asks a specific request of God, believes God will carry out His will, and yet – trusts enough in God’s love and Sovereignty to “allow” Him to decide, allow Him to say yea or nay. A biblical prayer does not demand of God. Who are we anyway!? We are certainly never in a position to tell God how it will be! We are always to submit to His will.
This prayer, following, is a more biblical prayer also (9/10/2017). Although, why would one ask God this, “Lord never forsake him”? God has already promised He will never leave us nor forsake us, so why ask Him?
Heavenly Father, nothing is too hard for You. It is never too late for you to perform a miracle. Lord heal our brother Qureshi so that he can stand as a testimony to You. Lord never forsake him. Heal him right now Lord. In Jesus name we pray Amen. -By raju
On the contrary, we should not feel the need to ask “Lord never forsake him”, but rather praise God that He has promised this… to never leave us. It would be more accurate to praise Him for this promise, not talk as if you are ignorant of that promise. Express faith that He will never leave…, but do not ask as if you doubt His Word. I would say something like:
Thank you Lord that you have promised to never leave us, never forsake us. You are always with us by your Holy Spirit. Praise You!
Faith is believing that something can happen. But prayer is not prophetic, unless you are a prophet. Unless you are a prophet you cannot pray and know God will do what you asked for. A prophet does not need faith to predict – because he is given the future knowledge by God. But even the holiest of prayer warriors cannot pray and know it will happen. If he/she could KNOW, then no faith would be required!
If you do not know it will happen, then do not presume to know. This type of prayer presumes knowledge, and presumes to be prophetic: “I decree that Nabeel Q shall not die but live”. Who are you to decree anything future? Ask God? Yes. But “decree”? Not unless you are a prophet.
Don’t be fooled by these showy people types who make showy type prayers that mistakenly:
- demand of God: vanity, arrogance, not submissive,
- speak as if they know what the future holds: presumption
- assume knowledge of the future in arrogance as if they know the mind of God: false prophet
- spout words lacking in humility and submission to God: conceited, proud, self-absorbed, false prophet, hypocritical
because you devour widows’ houses, and
for a pretense you make long prayers;
therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
– Matthew 23:14
The prayer of faith is not prophetic, haughty, arrogant, independent of God, proud. If you know the future, then you are a prophet. But prophets never fail in their prophecies, except once. After one failure, they were stoned to death!
Do you really presume to know the future? If you are full of faith, then stick to “faith” – which strongly believes God for something. But do not presume to become a prophet. The Old Testament (OT) principle teaches us: Don’t presume to be a prophet. God will not be mocked. He knows what is going on; you do not.
A prophet speaks words purportedly from God. Do you really want to speak for God …and be wrong? God does not appreciate falseness, arrogance and presumption. We disrespect God when we arrogantly pass the limits of what God sees as appropriate. [Credit for some of the following words used here: The Google]
Biblical prayer therefore is not audacious, brash, haughty, nor brazen. Biblical prayer is not full of assumption, audaciousness, temerity, arrogance, presumptuousness, forwardness; cockiness, insolence, impudence, bumptiousness, impertinence, effrontery, cheek, cheekiness; rudeness, impoliteness, disrespect, familiarity; nerve, chutzpah, sass, nor sassiness.
It is sassy, cocky and presumptuous, unbiblical – to pray as if you know the mind of God for the future. Prayer does not declare “a guess” as to what the future will hold, as if you know. That is a lie. OT prophets were stoned for doing that!
33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! 34 For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? 35 Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? 36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. – Romans 11:33-36
Prayer should not tell God what to do, but rather – ask.
Biblical prayer is based on:
- dependence upon God,
- humility before Him,
- submission to His good judgement
- surrender to His eternal foresight and His omniscience
Biblical prayer is what the Bible teaches us about prayer (not some supposed prayer leader). Biblical prayer:
- “contends” for God to answer,
- asks a specific request of God,
- believes God will carry out His will, and yet –
- trusts enough in God’s love and Sovereignty to “allow” Him to decide, allow Him to say yea or nay.
- does not demand anything
- does not presume haughtily to tell God how it will be!
- always submits our will, our desire, our request – to His good and merciful and wise answer.
Biblical prayer is not a decree; and we do not “curse” disease. Please don’t tell me it is based on Jesus cursing the tree! Prayers like “I decree”, “I command…”, “I curse the cancer…”, “I… command it to flee right now”, “I declare this to… dry bones”? What what WHAT! What “promise” of the Word says THAT?
Nabeel Qureshi’s Wife Reflects on God’s Faithfulness Amid Pain: ‘He Will Use This Death to a More Glorious End’ (See Video near end of article)
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
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