Feeling worthy for heaven?
So you say you gave a dollar
when you helped the local church
and you gave a precious hour to go help a sin sick soul.
You’re at the house of God enough, for you… like once or twice a year.
Maybe that’s when you clean house, and pray – and please God, in your mind?
Or perhaps you go each time the doors are opened wide. You talk to Him.
And you think that makes you worthy before God?
So you think it’s all you need to save your soul,
that That will get you in those pearly gates?
So, for you that is enough to please our Holy, Holy God – the Lord God Almighty?
You’ve got your own brand of believing and you try to do your best.
You want to save your sinful soul – your way. And damn the rest.
You yourself concocted your own way to get to God?
And you think that all you’ve done and what you do and feel and think and say – is right with God?
So you think the balance of your good and bad will please Most Holy God?
That all you’ve done for good outweighs the bad in Holy Courts above?
Have you tried that in some lower court in town here? That work for you?
Oh it’s clear you just don’t know My Word.
You don’t know Me. You don’t know Me at all!
I’m not “your little god”. “I Am Who I Am.”
And on That Day I’ll say to your poor soul,
I don’t know you. “I never knew you.” At all!
Oh it’s clear you just don’t know My Word
I had it written, oh so clearly for you all to get the news:
that the only way to heaven is through Jesus’ sacrifice.
You maybe peaked, you may have glanced a bit – but you don’t know My Word.
What was it – so absorbed your mind, that you never sought Me out?
You never loved me. All your heart, all your mind, all your strength, all — was yours and yours alone.
Feeling worthy now? Think your god is pleased with your living, dancing, prancing now?
On That Day it will only be — His Courts, His Laws, His Way, His Holy Holy Way.
Without Christ as Lord and Savior on that terrible, frightening day
All that you concocted in your silly silly mind, you’ll see at last as vanity and pride, so worthless.
You will absolutely quake and kneel in terror, shaking naked, weak, condemned in His Royal Courts That Day!
Like the thief with Christ a’hangin’ on that cruel cross that day,
Confess your sins and call Christ “Lord”. It’s all that wicked Thief had time for.
Then you too will go through Gates of Pearl and on to Paradise.
The Reaper comes – you know not when. He’s coming soon for you.
Don’t wait too long. Turn to Christ.
It’s best to bow right now.
17 Now to the King eternal,
the only God,
be honor and glory
forever and ever.
– 1 Timothy 1:17
The Reaper comes – you know not when.
He’s coming soon for you.
Don’t wait too long. Turn to Christ.
It’s best to bow right now.
God as man – the short version
Our perfect God and our response to Him
So God sent His Son into the world. Do you know why?
Vanity… quick search of the Bible
Imagine heaven. See it from Bible windows, the perspective of what He told us it is going to be like for those who follow Him:
- It will be instant. Luke 23:39-43; 1 Corinthians 15:52
- We will all be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:50-53
- Built by God. John 14:2-3
- Without prior notice. 2 Peter 3:10
- Inexpressible. 2 Corinthians 12:4
- Comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18
Isaiah 49:4
Then I said, “I have labored in vain,
I have spent My strength for nothing
and vanity (pride, uselessness);
However My justice is with the Lord,
And My reward is with My God.”
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