Featured Image: Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Christianity,
passed away in 2017 at 34 after a year-long battle with stomach cancer.
Reference: Nabeel Qureshi Funeral: Ravi Zacharias Reflects on ‘Abnormal’ Life, Faith of His ‘Son’
The great majority of us humans live plain and mundane, unexciting lives, do we not? (Read Job 7:17-18.) None of the thrills and chills of the likes of Jason Bourne or the Mission Impossible depictions we see in so many movies. Just gritty-plain, same-o, same-o days, day after day. Yet, we who have been born again, transformed by the Spirit of God – are now brand new creations in Christ!
At that moment in time each of us, as “followers” of Christ, were given innate purpose and a reason to live each day joyfully for Him – and a power to go with it! Just like the vivid example of Esther ages ago, we have been planted to bloom expectantly for His purposes.
In a routine, sometimes boring existence, each day His promises are new and full of possibilities. And I need not begin a day with regret, but simply, sincerely repent, confess my sins and press on (Philippians 3:12-16).
The daily practice of following Jesus – transforms each day into an opportunity to serve Him anew. It thus behooves me, each of us, to consider:
What would God
have me
for just “such a time as this?” –Esther 4:14.
The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I have hope in Him.”
– Lamentations 3:22-24
Today, my “now” in time, is not “just another day”, dull and so very ordinary. Yes, I am so un-extraordinary, but in Christ, if today comes… “it’s another day to serve Him!” What will this day hold for me, with simple opportunity… to express His joy, His love, His forgiveness, His servant lifestyle? Does Christ show through in me – with what I am, what I do, what I say, what I attempt, what I try, with what I accomplish…?
In my home with family, at work, or on the streets with strangers, my neighbors – mundane as it may feel…
- I look for opportunity: Who needs my simple encouraging words today? How can I express kindness and acceptance and affirmation? I’m workin’ at it. Learning this!
- To whom will I get to extend grace, genuinely forgiving their sin without a hint of anger and condemnation? (My wife, my neighbor, that #grr_ _Frg9r!!* driver…?) “Help me, oh my God, to be more like You, and less sinfully of the flesh.”
- With whom will I share a moment, patiently, with kindness, looking into their interests – initiate an act full of mercy and grace, actually speak a word from the Lord for them? (I’m so #grr_ _Frg9r!!* self-centered and want what I want and I want it NOW!) “God help me!”
If you are born again – He surely has you specifically where you are, exactly – precisely for His purposes. As with Esther:
- To what have you attained… for just “such a time as this?” –Esther 4:14.
- What does God mysteriously want to amazingly accomplish through your steady faithfulness to Him, today?
So, what are God’s purposes for me, without a doubt? These are a few good places to start finding purpose:
- 1 Corinthians 13. “4 Love…“
- James 1:27. “Pure and unblemished religion [as it is expressed in outward acts] in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit and look after the fatherless and the widows in their distress, and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the [secular] world.”
- 1 Peter 1:13-16; 22-23. “13 So prepare your minds for action, be completely sober [in spirit—steadfast, self-disciplined, spiritually and morally alert]… [see that you] love one another from the heart [always unselfishly seeking the best for one another]“
- 2 Peter 1. “…applying all diligence….”
- Galatians 5:22-23. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control….”
- Galatians 6:9-10. “…let us do good to all people….”
It’s quite unremarkable being me. But, in Christ – I’m full of purpose! I’m pressing on.
Hi Keith,
I enjoyed and benefited from this article. Thanks Keith for the encouragement. I was looking for the article “”I beat my wife”. Couldn’t find it.
Sorry this took so long to reply. I rarely check my site comments (I’m bad…). I wrote the article “I beat my wife up everyday
(https://ohmygodjesus.com/2018/01/19/i-beat-my-wife-up-everyday/) with “tongue-in-cheek” humor. It speaks on Proverbs about being diligent, as the intro excerpt states: “Are you there in the early morning – for the people you love? Or are you hinged to your bed “like a door to its hinges” (Proverbs 26:13-16), “[losing opportunity after opportunity]” (Proverbs 26:13-16)?”