Oh the unfathomable love of our wonderful mysterious God. Think about it.
His love is so endless, amazingly deep and wide. Try understanding this love. God’s love for us is never failing, beyond the capabilities of our understanding.
God foreknew us as sinful, yet loved us still. God hates sin, but even though He foreknew we would sin and reject Him, way before the great Creation — He wanted us. God loved us still.
He knew we would fall into sin and thus under His condemnation. Even so… God loved us still.
He loved us enough to save us.
He loved us enough to come to earth as a humble man.
He loved us enough to die a horrific death on a cross.
He loved us enough to provide His perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness we all needed.
That’s the love of God. Unfathomable.
God loves us still. He loves us even though we are sinful (Ephesians 1:3-14).
His love is never reckless, never audacious, never ill-advised, never without thinking of the consequences….
reckless: (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. “reckless driving”; Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, heedless, unheeding, hasty, overhasty, precipitate, precipitous, impetuous, impulsive, daredevil, devil-may-care; irresponsible, foolhardy, audacious, overadventurous; ill-advised, injudicious, madcap, imprudent, unwise, ill-considered; – Google.
God Himself is not reckless. He purposely created us – each individual. That was not reckless. He loves us with purpose. That is not reckless. We can count on His promises because He is faithful to His Word. That is not reckless.
The love of God is powered by who He is: His Holiness, His Divine Nature, and His Wisdom. He is wisdom itself. He is so totally Awesome in Power that He can never be anything close to careless, hasty, impetuous, nor unwise. It’s not in His nature.
Know who He is. Knowing who He is, we know that there is nothing whatsoever “reckless” about this God. Since before Creation His purposes are being carried-out.
And even so… He loves us. Who on earth would reject such a God?
John 3:16
16 “For God so loved the world,
that He gave
His [a]only begotten Son,
that whoever
believes in Him
shall not perish,
but have eternal life.
[Read the passage: John 3:14-21]
How to Study the Bible: Study Guide
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Jesus Only Always For All Times
Jesus Brings Us To Creator God
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