What is a “Christian”?
A person becomes a Christian by accepting Christ as Savior and Lord and thus becomes born again (yea!). Then, we begin following Christ. This involves beginning to actually live what Christ taught.
As a privileged species (read about the DVD) normal humans must come to the knowledge of our Creator, and the saving knowledge of Christ. Then, having been “born again”, Christians start new life in Christ, spiritually new, babies, toddlers learning to walk spiritually.
I am so grateful Jesus saved me. What a work of grace that is – for Holy God to save any “sinner”. Some sweet day — we’ll actually reach Heaven, but we’re not there yet!
As expressed in Ephesians 4, the actual next steps we begin making as His followers are to
“put off your old self” and “put on the new self“.
It’s not automatic. God does not do it for us. It is on us to “be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind” (v23), by allowing the Holy Spirit to empower us, and renew us.
Take on the challenge
Put it on! Nobody else will. Being renewed continually is part of following Christ. The normal Christian life spiritually works constantly to be “having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude” – every day (v23). Here’s that Ephesians passage.
Ephesians 4:22-24 Amplified Bible (AMP)
22 that, regarding your previous way of life,
you put off your old self
[completely discard your former nature],
which is being corrupted through deceitful desires,
23 and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind
[having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude],
24 and put on the new self
[the regenerated and renewed nature],
created in God’s image, [godlike]
in the righteousness and holiness of the truth
[living in a way
that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation].
We all live someway, somehow. We make choices. The way we live our life, how we live it – expresses something.
What is your living expressing? Does the way you live express to God “your gratitude for your salvation“? (v24)
Living as you were before Christ
Paul says that living as you were before Christ – is way NOT what is natural for someone “in Christ”.
The first question if living like that, is to settle this: Are you truly “in Christ”? Because if you are not “in Christ” then you are still way NOT saved, but still under condemnation.
Additional Reading – about being saved: Practicing Sin – Not Following Christ and Sinners, versus Living in Sin.
Living like an unbeliever
The Apostle Paul warns us about living “as the [unbelieving] Gentiles live“:
Ephesians 4: verses 17-19
you must no longer live as the [unbelieving] Gentiles live,
in the futility of their minds [and in the foolishness and emptiness of their souls],
18 for their [moral] understanding is darkened and their reasoning is clouded;
[they are] alienated and self-banished from the life of God [with no share in it;
this is] because of the [willful] ignorance and spiritual blindness that is [deep-seated] within them,
because of the hardness and insensitivity of their heart.
19 And they, [the ungodly in their spiritual apathy], having become callous and unfeeling, have given themselves over [as prey] to unbridled sensuality,
eagerly craving the practice of every kind of impurity [that their desires may demand].
Why they live that way
Paul says that, because of “the hardness and insensitivity of their heart” (v18), this is what characterizes the “unbelieving”: (Ephesians 4: verses 17-19)
futility of their minds
foolishness and emptiness of their souls
their [moral] understanding is darkened
their reasoning is clouded
[they are] alienated from the life of God
[they are] self-banished from the life of God
with no share in it (the life of God)
[willful] ignorance is [deep-seated] within them
[willful] spiritual blindness is [deep-seated] within them
the hardness and insensitivity of their heart.
spiritual apathy
callous and unfeeling
have given themselves over [as prey] to unbridled sensuality
eagerly craving the practice of every kind of impurity [that their desires may demand]
So, in other words, what Paul is saying here is that:
Individuals CHOOSE
not to follow Jesus
because their heart is hard
and insensitive to God (v18):
(Ephesians 4: verses 17-19)
- They live according to the futility of their mind
- They live according to their empty, foolish soul
- Their moral understanding is darkened
- Their reasoning is clouded
- They are alienated from the life of God
- They are self-banished from the life of God
- They are willfully ignorant (ignorance that is deep-seated in their inner soul)
- They are spiritually blind (blindness that is deep-seated in their inner soul)
- They are this way because their heart is hard and insensitive.
They reject God
They therefore have no share in the life of God. “Because of the hardness and insensitivity of their heart” they reject God (v18). They are hard-hearted:
Some of the meanings of “Hard-hearted“: incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness; unfeeling. Synonyms: unfeeling, heartless, cold, hard, callous, unsympathetic, uncaring, unloving, unconcerned, indifferent, unmoved, unkind, uncharitable, unemotional, cold-hearted, cold-blooded, mean-spirited, stony-hearted, having a heart of stone, as hard as nails, cruel. – Google
We are exhorted by Paul that we “must no longer live as the [unbelieving] Gentiles live.”
regarding your previous way of life,
…put off your old self (v22)
Put on the new
“Put on the new” Paul says. The Christian Spirit-filled life requires us to actively “put off”, “be continually renewed”, and “put on”.
Ours is a proactive life. Former ways of living contrary to God’s will for us – need to be resisted, and “put off”.
Following Christ is not an easy road. It is full of decisions we must make – in order to be faithful to Christ in all our ways.
Ephesians 4: verses 20-24
20 But you did not learn Christ in this way! 21 If in fact you have [really] heard Him and have been taught by Him, just as truth is in Jesus [revealed in His life and personified in Him],
22 that, regarding your previous way of life, you put off your old self [completely discard your former nature], which is being corrupted through deceitful desires,
23 and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude],
24 and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation].
First: Paul exhorts us: How did you learn Christ? Have you indeed really heard Him? Is change happening inside and outside yourself? Is God more and more a part of who you are?
Second: Our former nature needs to be “completely discarded”. “Put off your old self” (v22). It is being corrupted “through deceitful desires”. We need to examine what we are desiring, and make sure our desires are not from our old nature. Be careful what you desire, what you want to do. What do you allow your mind to dwell on?
“What we desire, we soon acquire.
What we want to do, we soon find we did.”
Third: “Be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind” (v23). Our mind and spirit need constant refreshing. The world, the flesh, and the Devil are constantly making war on our “mental and spiritual attitude”.
Fourth: As we work with the Lord to be renewed, we “put on the new self” (v24)… “living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation.” It is only as we choose to constantly abide in Christ that we are then able to “put on” – “the righteousness and holiness of the truth”.
John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
This process is normally not seen as a straight line graph upward. Paul says “Be continually renewed” – because…
we continually need it.
Personal maturity is a little by little growth pattern where we learn to depend more and more on the Spirit of God. Are we perfect, without sin? (I don’t see any hands raised.) No. Spiritual living has its ups and downs.
Your Attitude
What Paul calls “the spirit of your mind” – is your “mental and spiritual attitude”. Is it stained with sinful ways of thinking? This world is a filthy muddy meadow. And we walk this meadow. That is why we need a continual “refresh”… so our mental attitude is fresh and “untarnished”.

Pliable clay in The Potter’s Hands
2 Corinthians 13:11-14 (AMP)
11 Finally, believers, rejoice! Be made complete [be what you should be], be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace [enjoy the spiritual well-being experienced by believers who walk closely with God]; and the God of love and peace [the source of lovingkindness] will be with you.
12 Greet one another with a [a]holy kiss. 13 All [b]God’s people greet you.
14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
The Potter
Paul exhorts me (us) to work with The Potter (Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:21). Each day He molds me and makes me more and more of what I uniquely should be in Christ. “Be what you should be” (v11) and enjoy spiritual well-being here, now, Paul says. And when God calls me home, some sweet day — then I’ll reach my final destination!
Sinners – Versus – Living In Sin
Practicing Sin – Not Following Christ
Distracting Meaningless Things
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