…a prayer of praise to God
I look at an orchid, a rose, the tropical fish, lush jungles and forests, men, women and children and I say, “Oh my God such beauty can only be from You. It is good what you have done.
I look at the skies and the stars and the universes beyond and I say, “Oh my God You dwarf even these with Your omnipotent powers.
I look at this vast world of earth, it’s nature and animals deep below and high in the sky and I say, “Oh my God You are so creative, beyond all else that we know. It is good what You have done.
I look at my own eyes, the intricate delicate parts. They function and I say, “Oh my God I can see. You are so far beyond smart, intelligent and wise.
I look at my body and that of my wife and I say, “Oh my God You have made us so well. I enjoy being me. It is good what You have done.
I look at myself, I can see, I can touch, I can think, I can choose and reject, I can love and forgive, I have feelings of joy and contentment. All that I am in itself is so good and I say, “Oh my God You wanted all good for me, You wanted me to choose You in love.
I look at the colors and smell the earth’s richness, aromas and tastes, delights to my senses and I say, “Oh my God You care what my life can be like here. It is good what You have done.
I look at the sin and perversions, how evil turns good into awful ugly pain, light into darkness, and I say, “Oh my God You knew all this would come.
I look at the Bible, examine Your Word brought down to man, Your plan for the ages revealed and I say, “Oh my God You knew even me before I was born. You planned to rescue me.
I look at Your plan of salvation in Jesus, prepared before there was dust and I say, “Oh my God You cared enough to die for me. It is good what You have done.
I look at my sin, my rebellion, my pride and quicksand feet that sink any good of my own, and I say, “Oh my God You alone are able to forgive me, save me, empower me for good.
I look at all this, what is before me now with eternity’s values in view, and I say, “Oh my God You are preparing a place for me to be with you forever. Hallelujah. It is good what You have done.
I look. I see. I feel. I think. I choose. I choose You. You are good. You are so wonderful. You died and rose again – for me. How can I not follow You with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength? How can I not strive to love my neighbors as much as I love myself? I will.
Your Spirit is within me. I will follow You. I will love.
Yes I can – I can stand strong
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
Living the good life – with courage and confident hope
This is natural for us – so put it on
The God to whom I belong and whom I worship
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