I am dying. And so are you. We’re all under the curse of The Fall, where God cursed the earth and all His creation, because of sin.
Sin started back where a man and a woman (Adam and Eve) decided, by their own free will, to contradict God’s word to them, and do what God had said not to do.
Adam chose Eve over God, going with her to eat the fruit that God had forbidden. Amazing, no? Living in the perfect garden of Eden, with all things good… yet they chose to disobey the clear will of God. That’s where our free will leads us. And so God cursed them and their offspring (all of us). And they started to die.
So it is with us. We are on the same path – to die. Some of us die very young, so full of promise. So tragic. Some of us go quickly, while others linger on. It is all so sad, so difficult to bear.
The only mitigating factor in all the sadness, is having hope in Christ. Hope in Christ makes it bearable. Our faith sustains us as we put our trust in God’s Word, in God Himself who created all that is. We have a promise from God that we who put our trust in Him will someday be instantly with Him, “and thus we will be with Him forevermore”.
Hope in Christ:
Romans 8:25-28. Hope in Christ
God has a predetermined “end” for earth. It will not be a good ending for those without hope in Jesus. Sort of like Microsoft with Windows 7… God has given us a warning that He will not support “the flesh” much longer. He wants us to transfer over to “the Spirit”. Is the Holy Spirit in you?
Genesis 6:3 Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive and remain with man forever, because he is indeed flesh [sinful, corrupt—given over to sensual appetites]….From the article: The Holy Spirit in You?
A primary question for all who call themselves “Christian”: Is the Holy Spirit inside you? If not, you are not born again! You are not “a Christian”, but merely a wannabee. Jesus said, “You must be born again….” (John 3: verse 7)Also see: About the Holy Spirit
How much is Heaven worth to you? Even as life decays all around, I’m looking forward – to heaven.
My best day here – it’s not even on the graph of heaven’s pleasure chart. Nothing here comes even close to how much better “good” will be, and be forever – there. Always high – up on that chart. Always constant. No bad days.
Now is so conditioned on factors beyond my control, things that bend my will and ruin outcomes planned. But not in heaven. There – all is 100%. All is totally unaffected, purely good, purely pure. Godly. – Source: My best day here
Just beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that?
“beyond the veil“. thefreedictionary.com: …in a mysterious or hidden place or state, especially the unknown state of existence after death. The phrase was originally a figurative reference to the veil which concealed the innermost sanctuary of the Temple in Jerusalem; it was later taken as referring to the mysterious division between the next world and this.
Just imagine entering into the presence of God? That moment when your soul and spirit leave your body here, and you “step” into God’s next dimension? – Source: Just beyond the veil
Don’t let the fleeting pleasures of earth keep you bound-up in the flesh. Choose to follow Jesus. Get born again before it’s too late.
When I die I’m going instantly to heaven. How ’bout you?
The Absurdity of Life without God, by William Lane Craig.
Read more: https://www.reasonablefaith.org
1 Peter 5:7 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“…casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].
This is it …THIS is my life.
Who_are_You_in_Christ? [This link opens msExcel document: enable editing then type-in your name and click “Enter”]
Verses about Death:
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