The following presenters are in this virtual conference,
The Last Trump Conference
hosted by Prophecy Watchers on the Vimeo platform.
Presenters. These presenters are truly biblical – the good guys:
Gary Stearman (Read his BIO; of Prophecy Watchers),
Jonathan Cahn (Hear his BIO; author of ),
Bill Salus (Read his BIO; contributing author to a very good book: Discerners),
L.A. Marzulli (Read his BIO; host of Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural),
Tom Horn (Read his BIO; Director of skywatchtv.com; renowned author of many books,
Randall Price (Read his BIO; earned his Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, currently Professor at Liberty University; President of World of the Bible Ministries; took part in the film “The Bible on Trial: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” – Watch on YouTube),
Bill Koenig (Read his BIO; of Koenig – World Watch Daily; author of Israel: The Blessing Or the Curse),
Billy Crone (Read his BIO; of Get A Life Ministries; speaker; producing online videos and DVD studies available on ROKU an VIMEO)
Brent Miller Jr. (Read his BIO; Director with a theological background – of Ingenuity Films – a growing faith-based California film company, film producer, writer; studio behind “The Coming Convergence” and “Before the Wrath“; speaks at some of the largest Bible prophecy conferences in the United States including Olive Tree Ministries‘ “Understanding the Times“).
Editor Note: A beloved relative is “there” now (online at the conference), and says (10/3/2020), “It does require a fee ($75) but runs all month with 40 some presentations by an amazing list of speakers. They post one or two new ones each day. The subscription is good for six months, so there is no pressure to watch for a long period of time each day. Very worthwhile.”
Watch: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/lasttrumpconference/463922508?autoplay=1
Also presenting in June 2021:
Also watch SkyWatchTV:
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