We see a lot of evil in the world these days. And, an awful lot of folks tolerate it.
But, here’s the thing: if you tolerate bad behavior, you in effect are condoning the bad.
Jesus’ disciple John teaches us this about that:
“…the one who practices
[or permits or tolerates]
has not seen God
[he has no personal experience with Him
and does not know Him at all].”
– 3 John 1:11
The Bible says here that the person who practices or permits or tolerates evil (evil = that which is not of God) cannot possibly be a true follower of Jesus. Jesus is calling us out of all that. (Romans 6) Evil is vile to Jesus.
So, if we are tolerating it (evil in any form) – then we have not been set apart from those vile things which God condemns. He will hold us accountable, not just for our actions – but also for what our mind and heart and soul condones. Nobody arriving at God’s Home Heaven will be both following the God – Jesus — plus some other.
How you doing with that?
but [imitate] what is good.
The one who practices good
[exhibiting godly character,
moral courage and
personal integrity]
is of God;
the one who practices
[or permits or tolerates] evil
has not seen God
[he has no personal experience with Him
and does not know Him at all].
If you are brought up before an evil judge, he/she may condone or excuse your evil behavior. But not the good judge.
Jesus is the ultimate Good Judge, the Supreme Judge. Jesus is the perfectly good, Holy Judge — and He is The One to whom we will ultimately be accountable to, right? I really, really really really do not want to be found by Him… tolerating/approving of evil.
God is calling us to repent of our sins, and follow Him with a life set apart to Himself. Is that where you are at? It’s not too late to repent and be born again. So far, at least – there is time. But time is running thin.
Hebrews 4: verses 1-2
Accepting Jesus – Plus Some Other
Are you under a deluding influence?
Born again – reborn from above
God forgives sins by His Holy Holy Justice
Growing into our natural new life in Christ
Is Jesus’ Worldview Your Worldview?
Being 100% given-over to Jesus
How then should we live – believing the Rapture is just around the corner?
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