…a short series about “Self Talk” and “God Talk”
“He sees into your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, your falseness or genuineness, your honesty or lies, what you really are inside of your mind and heart.” – Source: Jesus Knows Your Thoughts
Self Talk With God
“Pray without ceasing” –NASB
be unceasing and persistent in prayer
– 1 Thessalonians 5:17 -AMP
“For the Lord sees every heart
and knows
every plan and thought.
If you seek him,
you will find him.
But if you forsake him,
he will reject you forever.”
– 1 Chronicles 28:9
Self-talk can be God-talk. All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? We can direct it to conversations with God. That is just so totally awesome!
– Source: Self-talk prayer – Orignally in Jesus Knows Your Thoughts
Psalm 139 verses 1-18
“You understand
my thought from far away.
3 You scrutinize
my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted
with all my ways.”
“Self-talk can be God-talk. All that self-talk we all engage our minds in throughout the day? “Talk it” to God.
You can direct all your self-talk to God as prayer. You can have intimate conversations with God in the privacy of your inner self.
“There are no secrets kept from God. He is not just “capable” of knowing you, He does actually know you. He sees into your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, your falseness or genuineness, your honesty or lies, what you really are inside of your mind and heart.
– Source: Conversations With God
Jesus knows your thoughts… Read the verses about how God is always able to “read” our thoughts.
God is able to see into
the innermost parts of your heart.
He knows what you feel.
He knows what you want.
He knows your thoughts.
Even before you speak a word
— He knows
what you are going to say!
How Prayer Works Whether audible or just in our thoughts….
Praying: I come to God through my spirit, with my soul speaking from my mind and heart. The Bible says God hears and responds to the prayers of His people.
Prayer “works” because God is gracious and forgiving and asks us to come into His presence.
See: | About Praying… a series about prayer: Praying to God |
| Talking to Jesus |
it is totally fine
and Scriptural
to pray to Jesus directly
See: | Hebrews 13:12-15 “let us go out to Him….” |
| 1 Timothy 2:5 | This teaches us…
“For there is [only] one God,
and [only] one Mediator
between God and mankind,
the Man Christ Jesus“
Matthew 7:7 Amplified Bible (AMP)
“Ask and keep on asking
and it will be given to you;
seek and keep on seeking
and you will find;
knock and keep on knocking
and the door will be opened to you.
Speaking to God silently inside your mind: God-Talk… is praying to God without voicing it out loud. “Self Talk” and “God Talk”. He sees into your thoughts, your feelings, your intentions, your falseness or genuineness, your honesty or lies, what you really are inside of your mind and heart.”
In the article, Jesus watches over you very carefully…
“loving thoughts rise calm and peacefully”
“…no rude storm, how fierce soe’er it flieth,
Disturbs the Sabbath of that deeper sea.”
“no rude storm, how fierce soe’er it flieth,
Disturbs the soul that dwells, O Lord, in Thee.”
― Harriet Beecher Stowe.
*Read more quotes from Harriet Beecher Stowe
Psalm 72: The Reign of the Righteous King/Thoughts to cultivate
“…they are to pray for him continually;
[u]They are to bless him all day long.”
“Cornelius …prayed to God continually.”
Acts 10:1-2
“Now there was a man at Caesarea named Cornelius,
a centurion of what was called the Italian cohort,
2 a devout man and one who feared God
with all his household,
and gave many alms to the Jewish people
and prayed to God continually.”
Hope keeps us going:
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