⇑ PIC: The DNA of Jesus must look similar to ours, but He is both God and man – the Godman.
Jesus was born on earth – as all man, and all God – for all time. First time this has ever happened, and last time. As God, He took on the form of a man – and will be so, as God-man, for all eternity. It is totally awesome that He did this, because He did it for us.
Read: What God has going on with us here on this planet.
Jesus most certainly did NOT at anytime give up His divine nature, His “Godness”. He was divine throughout all of His 33 years living on earth as a man. Jesus was and is now: totally God, and totally man. That is how He died, and that is how He arose from the dead. To teach otherwise – is to teach “another gospel“.
Note: The false teachers in the NAR movement and other false sects claim (wrongly) that Jesus gave up being God. But He never did that. They willfully misinterpret the key passage in Philippians, which turns their teachings into false teachings.
They no longer worship the same Jesus of the Bible – as we do. They follow a mere man.
Adding to the Bible
The Bible’s teaching is clear in the original, and explained very honestly in the Amplified version: Philippians 2:5-9. The NAR folks of course do not like the very clear reading of this passage, in the Amplified version nor in any of the other versions.
So they supported the writing of a new version, The Passion Translation. Compare the Amplified with the TPT version: Philippians 2:5-9. This TPT version is about as valid as using toilet paper tissues (tpt) to clean an aircraft carrier poop-deck. 1 For further reading: The Passion Translation (TPT) and why not to use it
This TPT version corrupts this passage, and many other passages where they defy God’s Truth. NAR churches maintain their false teachings by using The Passion Translation, which totally corrupts the meanings of specific verses they want to change – in order to falsify and teach their unique key doctrines, and maintain their religion (just as the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses do with their own tricked-out translations).
The translation done by Brian Simmons, called The Passion (TPT), is not a faithful translation of the original. It is very much fraught with misleading words Simmons adds into the text (…”it is at least 50% longer than the original”). Good Christians should want to go to more accurate translations, and not ever use this deviant version. It has been so adulterated that it is not God’s Word.
“TPT is not a Bible, and any church that treats it as such and receives it as canon, will, by that very action, turn itself into an unorthodox sect. If the translation had been packaged as a commentary on Scripture I would not have needed to write this review; but to package it as Scripture is an offence against God.” – Andrew G. Shead in a peer-reviewed theological journal
– Source: The Passion Translation (TPT) and why not to use it
Why would anyone argue with that statement? (“…It has been so adulterated that it is not God’s Word.”) Why would anyone abandon the careful scholarly work of hundreds of faithful Christian followers of Christ — in order to follow the thinking of one man who has morphed into a NAR follower?
They have run with their falsity, effectively running after “another god” – to the extreme of even fabricating “new truths” into a new Bible “translation”.
* Quoting Holly Pivec, Posted on bereanresearch.org by Marsha West: “There are too many issues to mention and still keep this a single post. And others have done a wonderful job of showing the problems with The Passion Translation.”
- Andrew Shead published an excellent and accurate review of the Psalms for the journal, Themelios.
- Andrew Wilson has published some clear criticisms of the work on his blog.
- And Mike Winger has done a fantastic job outlining some concerns with his hour-long YouTube video [:My Concerns About The Passion Translation and Brian Simmons (See more Winger videos at end of this article.)]
– Source: The Passion Translation (TPT) and why not to use it
In this, NAR associated churches fall into the classification of being a cult. They are not genuine followers of our God, Jesus. They follow their false fabrication of some totally human, not divine, “Jesus” – and other false doctrines. For further reading, see
- Read the articles in: About False Teachings of Today.
- The Inclusive Language Debate from the Christian Research Institute ( | By: Mark L. Strauss & David Wegener
- The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy. Dr. Craig Blomberg’s review of, “The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Muting the Masculinity of God’s Words,” by Vern S. Poythress and Wayne A. Grudem – on January 01, 2001
Matthew 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Jesus, “God the Son”, was brought into this world by God the Father – through the womb of the virgin Mary. An angel of Heaven clearly told Mary this was going to happen. God, by His divine power, “artificially inseminated” Mary’s human egg, making Jesus both God and man, in one human being (something that now we understand with modern science achieving artificial insemination).
It was God the Father who sent Jesus here (willingly done by Jesus – born a baby). And Jesus said He would send God the Holy Spirit to indwell us on earth – once He Himself returned to sit on His Throne in Heaven. Our God is a mysterious God, is He not? We should be wowed by His awesomeness.
God as man – the short version
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Jesus declares He is God in 7 “I am” statements
What a privilege God gives us …direct access to the Throne of God – through prayer
- Poop deck – Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Poop_deck
In naval architecture, a poop deck is a deck that forms the roof of a cabin built in the rear, or “aft”, part of the superstructure of a ship. The name originates from the French word for stern, la poupe, from Latin puppis.
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