Opinion’s are sometimes worth your time. Here are some.
I will be adding more periodically. Originally published February 18, 2018 @ 09:23:43.
What he said: Pastor David Jeremiah urges Christians to be stewards of biblical truth in a ‘post-truth world’
By Nicole Alcindor, CP Reporter | Church & Ministries |
Excerpts: “Jeremiah suggested that truth is “disappearing from our culture” and disappearing from “television,” “magazines” and “newspapers.”
“We live in a post-truth world, which means the Word of God is more important than it has ever been,” Jeremiah said. “Post-truth means it used to be truth, but it’s not truth now to us. Post-truth is a word that describes our culture today.”
What he said: Christian leaders slam Lutheran denomination’s transgender bishop: a ‘revolt’ against God
9/15/2121 By Tyler O’Neil | Fox News
Excerpts: “Transgender ideology makes humans the architects and superintendents of existence rather than God,” the IRD president argued. “It also gnostically asserts human thoughts over physical reality,” he added, referencing the ancient Christian heresy of Gnosticism, which prioritized a person’s spiritual identity over the physical body.”
“While he encouraged churches to “offer love and compassion to all persons professing to be transgender,” he warned that “they should not elevate to senior leadership persons who think self-will trumps God’s designs.”
“God did not create androgynous beings; He created two complementary, biologically, and genetically sexed individuals. God built the complementarity of the sexes into the very fabric of creation,” he explained. “Encouraging, promoting, and celebrating transgenderism through the promotion of a transgender clergy represents just the latest step away from biblical orthodoxy for a denomination that long ago stopped caring what the Bible teaches on moral and ethical matters.”
“Mohler went even further. He claimed that the ELCA had embraced a new religion, different from Christianity.
“It’s a new religion that is trying to inhabit the space of traditional Christianity, trying to claim the titles, to claim ownership of the buildings, and to take ownership of the institutions while representing a religion that is at virtually every point contradictory to biblical Christianity,” he told Fox News. “The gospel of Jesus Christ in biblical terms is left far behind.”
“When I speak of the gospel, I’m speaking of the good news that God saves sinners through the atonement accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ, this comes to those who repent. That’s a very different message than what is being preached by the ELCA,” Mohler argued. By redefining sin the denomination “redefines the saving work of Christ.”
What he said: The Frank Jenner Story
by Stephen Tucker. A DVD of the Frank Jenner story is available now from: www.garywilkinson.eu
Excerpts: Both sailors, while on shore leave in Sydney, were approached by a man who asked the question: “Young man, if you were to die tonight, where would you be, in heaven or in hell?” …Frank Jenner, in his own way, and to the embarrassment of some Christians, got to the heart of the issue: he directly challenged sailors about their standing before God. …He was so aware of his weakness that before each encounter on George Street he silently prayed: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength”.
“… if you were to die tonight,
where would you be,
in heaven or in hell?”
What he said: An unlikely journey from agnostic gay man in prison to evangelical Bible professor
By Caleb Parke | Fox News Published April 8, 2019
Excerpts: “Christopher Yuan teaches “Theology of Sexuality” at Moody Bible Institute — but his journey of faith started in a prison cell. When Yuan came out as gay to his Chinese parents at 23, they gave him an ultimatum: choose us or them.
…In his new book, “Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God’s Grand Story” Yuan tackles the tough questions on the intersection of the church and LGBTQ individuals….”
What he said: Ohio pastor gives gift of life to stranger to show ‘reckless love for Jesus’
What she said: China to ‘Rewrite’ Bible to Include Buddhist Teachings, Infuse Worship Songs with ‘Chinese Elements’
news@gospelherald.com ) Gospel Herald.com/ ( Oct 03, 2018 09:01 AM EDT
Excerpts: …hundreds of Chinese pastors recently signed a statement denouncing the government’s efforts to restrict Christianity. Chinese “pastors say they are prepared to bear all losses – “even the loss of our freedom and our lives,” for the sake of the Gospel.”
Fu told CP that according to the former chairman of the [government’s] TSPM, they [TSPM] believe the “doctrine of justification of faith by Jesus Christ is too narrow.”
“He is promoting justification by love in doing good deeds. He essentially said that God is very inclusive so these communist party heroes he listed are doing so many good deeds and they should be accepted into Heaven by our God,” he explained. “It is kind of a universalist doctrine.”
The [Chinese pastor’s] statement also makes four points addressing the Chinese government’s continued crackdown on Christian churches.
Christian churches in China believe unconditionally that the Bible is the Word and Revelation of God.
Christian churches in China are eager and determined to walk the path of the cross of Christ and are more than willing to imitate the older generation of saints who suffered and were martyred for their faith.
Christian churches in China are willing to obey authorities in China whom God has appointed and to respect the government’s authority to govern society and human conduct.
For this reason, we believe and are obligated to teach all believers that all true churches in China that belong to Christ must hold to the principle of the separation of church and state and must proclaim Christ as the sole head of the church.
What he said: Jeremy Lin Reveals Powerful Lesson He Learned from Studying ‘Sinful’ Old Testament Heroes
In an email sent to his digital prayer group, the Taiwanese/American NBA star revealed that while studying the lives of Abraham, Jacob, Noah and other Bible “heroes,” he realized just how sinful they are were.
“Seriously, God has been really impressing on my heart that He continually uses broken, imperfect people,” he said. “I often put pressure on myself to be as close to perfect as I can otherwise God can’t use me. But the reality is that God uses sinful, doubtful and proud people all through Scripture.”
What he said: Stop Caricaturing Christians: An Open Letter to John Pavlovitz
What she said: Washington state florist: My life has been turned upside down because of my religious beliefs
What he said: Pentatonix [music band] and the elephant in the sanctuary
By: Berean Research “Guard Yourselves in Steadfast Truth!” https://bereanresearch.org/pentatonix-and-the-elephant-in-the-sanctuary-2/
FOR MORE: Commentary on issues: Aspreeman’s Archives
What he said: Why Billy Graham’s Greatest Fear Should Be Ours
By Jim Denison |
What explains Dr. Graham’s humility and integrity? Here was his greatest fear: “That I’ll do something or say something that will bring some disrepute on the gospel of Christ before I go.”
If we want our lives to impact our culture, we must make Billy Graham’s greatest fear ours as well.
FOR MORE: Was Graham right -or- Hawking? –
What he said: ‘Christian Shamed.’ This ugly form of bigotry must stop
Response by VP Mike Pence: How “out of touch some in the mainstream media are” with the American people.” https://www.axios.com/mike-pence-abc-joy-behar-christian-mental-illness-25b66c5b-6dde-435b-9d6f-49653e4a96af.html
What he said: “chronically forgiving people”
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