It really IS quite plain to see: this world and all of us creatures – could not possibly ever have come to be – without an intelligent designer, God, making us.
Don’t be an idiot!
An idiot is someone who does something or says something (believes something) that is moronic. Don’t be a moron.
A moron is someone who is beyond belief! He/She thinks or does something that even a simpleton would say is stupid. Don’t be a simpleton.
It is beyond belief – to think that something as intricately formed as your eyeball, for instance… could just happen. You REALLY BELIEVE that over the centuries, starting from a big bang in the universe, then from slime… an eyeball somehow formed in the socket?
And did that blind body just stumble around the planet for years and years until finally the eyeball formed and somehow found the socket?!
How moronic is that!? Not just idiotic, but: Beyond Belief.
It is beyond belief – that any clear-thinking human being would accept the claims of atheism and evolution.
Do you? What if you are wrong?
Scientific visualization proofs for an intelligent designer, God
Why the Appearance of Design in Biology Is a Problem for Atheistic Naturalism (from ColdCaseChristianity.com)
Atheists Take Credit for Science When They Had Nothing to Do with It, by Robert J. Hutchinson
Does the Cumulative Case for Design Point to a Divine Designer? -by J.Warner Wallace
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