PIC: Pope Frances after forming the One World Religion with 100+ muslims and other religious leaders
I listened to Allen Parr – specifically this section, 20:53 of Parr’s piece – My Final Conclusion on False Teachers. With this snippet of audio I realized why we should not listen to any false teachers, nor any of their siren songs.
Good and False
Parr argues that false teachers have good teachings, as well as false teachings. And, with that gem of insight, Parr says we will miss out on all the good they have IF we dismiss the false teacher entirely just because he/she has some false stuff. What what what?!
Has Parr lost his discernment? Misleading people into false doctrines is what all false teachers practice. A wolf in sheep skins (“sheep’s clothing”) will attract the undiscerning with their “good teachings” — in order to win-over and lead them astray with their false teachings.
Who would bother
Who would bother listening to Adolf Hitler speeches in order to get his “good stuff”?! Why go to false teachers… for anything? Why would any “Bible-only-believers” try to pick pieces of good from Bethel preachings by the apostate Bill Johnson? Scripture warns us away from false teachers. And so, what? Allen Parr is luring believers into the teachings of those who spout false teachings? Why?
Do not attend apostate churches
Christians are to stay away from what is false, lest they be sucked-in by all the good sounding teachings, and soon find themselves following the False Teacher. Same goes for music by apostate, false teaching churches and their minions: avoid their music. Do not lead your congregation nor your family nor your friends — into false doctrines and into apostate churches. They are on the big wide road to destruction.
Mark them which cause divisions …and avoid them
About False Teachings of Today
At What Price Awakening? Examining the Theology and Practice of the Bethel Movement
20/09/2018 | Stephen Tan with au.thegospelcoalition.org
False Prophets – by Dew: http://dianedew.com/index.shtml
The Bethel Johnson’s unbiblical teachings
About Being Apostate… following “another gospel”
Following the Jesus who was not God
The NAR – “A New ‘Reformation’ That Many Don’t Realize They’ve Joined
Post New Apostolic Reformation Reflections, on his site Famine In The Land
God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement, By Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett; “God’s Super-Apostles provides a concise entry-level overview of the key teachings and practices of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. This is a key resource in grasping the significance of this global, confusing, and controversial movement.”
There is a broad road that says Heaven but goes to Hell
What is “sound doctrine” and what is “a different doctrine”?
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