From Rev310.net and Prophecy Watch. Two articles:
1- How Will the World Explain the Rapture? – by Scott Savell | April 14, 2023 | From rev310.net
When the Rapture happens, they will have to explain – somehow – the sudden disappearance of millions of Christians all over the globe. What will the governments say?
I like how
– Source: The Rapture: One Second Before and One Second After! –Friday, 17 February 2023 11:22 am – by . Posted in Prophecy Watch
“What happens one second AFTER the Rapture? This is the real question to focus on because Yeshua Airlines consists of only one flight up, and that’s it. Once we fly away, whoever is left behind will have to deal with the consequences triggered by the Great Tribulation one way or another.
The Great Tribulation, also known as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble (Jeremiah 30:7), will last seven years (Daniel 9:26-27). It is a time when God will refocus His program on Israel and the Jewish people.
Sadly, the result of that period is that two-thirds of the Jewish people will perish (Zechariah 13:8-9).
The most intense trouble doesn’t start until the Tribulation’s mid-point when the Antichrist reveals His true nature and demands to be worshipped. That is also when people will take the mark of the beast or refuse it.
The sad truth about that time is that one second after the Rapture, it is too late for people to escape the upcoming wrath of God. It is not too late to refuse the mark of the beast and not worship the Antichrist, but that will almost certainly result in people suffering great harm and dying as Tribulation martyrs.
It could all have been avoided
if they had been Raptured.
Ultimately the choice is ours. We are not coerced into anything; we are just invited to trust that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of the living God, and the Savior of the world.
One second before or one second after seems like nothing, yet it makes all the difference in the world. Will you be on the flight, or will you go through the fight?
This is a flight you shouldn’t miss, but this will be a gruesome fight you might not win.”
– Source: The Rapture: One Second Before and One Second After! | –Friday, 17 February 2023 11:22 am – Posted in Prophecy Watch
See: Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One
What will happen the second before and the second after the Rapture trip? What are the consequences?
What we know about the Rapture
Jesus Promises an End Time Rapture
Until the Rapture door is shut
Visit: Generation2434 Excerpt:
“There is one thing that divides eternity… have you accepted Jesus, or have you rejected Jesus. That’s it. Not how good you were, not how bad you were… JUST acceptance or rejection of Jesus.”
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