And we all bow down
And we feel so impure
The holiness of God around
And we all bow down
Holiness His holiness
And we all bow down
Down and down and down
And we know true dread
Our failures deep and faithlessness
Our wandering feet and misguided thoughts
And we all bow down
The holiness of God around
And we all bow down
Down and down so filled with fear
For we know He is God alone
And we failed to follow closely
With all our life, all our soul
And we all bow down
With a holy God around
And we all bow down
Down and down and down and down
His holiness, His holiness
All around, all around
And then he speaks my name,
Stand up receive my welcome son
You have done so well
My blood has covered all your sin
And we all bow down
Praising Him, just praising Him
And the joy joy joy
All around, all around
Giving Him our all-in-all, giving Him all that we are
And we all bow down, gratefully, so gratefully
He’s accepted us, we are free at last
Photo Credits: 1. RealmEternal; 2. Palehorse7_Jesus_second_coming; both byPeteGarcia_rev310.net; and 3. arrival-in-heaven-first-day_israel-palacio-wUMbIeoVKgw-unsplash.
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