Are you interpreting Scripture with other Scripture – to the extreme point of even rejecting your thinking in order to stay faithful to all Scripture?
God’s List of Unacceptables
What is acceptable to God according to the Bible? What is unacceptable? God shows us His list of what is not acceptable to Him because God loves all sinners and wants each of us to get forgiven and be made ready for His Holy Home Heaven.
When your prophet is wrong
Are you pressured to say something like “God told me this”? “It’s okay to be wrong. Just say what comes to mind.” Beware: NAR charismatic churches have cancelled Old Testament warnings about misrepresenting God. But the truth is… God is still against those who “speak falsely”.
Does God give new revelations or is the Bible enough?
False prophets, false apostles and false teaches are constantly adding their own words to their church doctrines, as if God Himself spoke them. And they claim their own words are equal to Bible words. Are you speaking your own words as if they are God’s words!? That was forbidden to do by God. Give it up – repent, and turn to what God really has said… in the Bible.
God’s Sin List
We all have a sin problem. Some have dealt with it with God. Others have dealt with it by their own thinking and rationalizations. What have you done with your sin problem?
What false prophets are like
Here are many biblical texts about false prophets, false spirits, and their false teachings. The Bible warns us about the increasing danger of false teachings creeping into our churches, of false teachers among us. False teachers are church leaders who reject the Bible or portions of the Bible. They reject the gospel preached by Paul and Jesus… and begin to teach “another gospel” which is not the one from Jesus.
Calling out false teachers
Part of the mission of Christ’s followers is to teach the way of Christ – and to warn when someone is teaching “another gospel” different from what was written by the faithful early church. “Warning” about false teachers and false teachings — is a good thing we do. It is what “a good servant of Christ Jesus” does.