Where you going? You wanna go to Heaven? Be sure to get on the right train.
One thing you lack
Jesus is inviting you to come into His Kingdom. Forever! Imagine how exotic and opulent – His Place? Is that exciting – or what!? I’m looking for that! Have you visited Jesus, like the rich young ruler, and blindly held-on to your ways in the midst of all your religiosities? It is a fearful thing to consider being rejected by a damning God. How far would you go to NOT be God-damned?
Are You Seeking God?
Satan blinds the eyes of seekers, those who want to know more about the Creator, those who wonder, “Could it be God who made all this?” But God is greater than Satan. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Now is the acceptable time.