God does not save the unlucky person, even by His marvelous grace, who does not follow Him in obedience. You don’t just waltz in, say “Okay God. Looks good”, then walk out and do your own thing. The Godman Jesus said “Follow Me”. The concept of getting saved without then obeying and following Jesus is not in the Bible.
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
The Finger of God
There is no human now, nor in all of history, who could rightfully claim to be God. Well… except for The One, Jesus. Jesus claimed to BE God Jesus was both man and God. He was the only Godman. Don’t believe the false teachers who claim to be a god. Jesus claimed to be God […]
Promises God makes about your salvation
God made some huge promises. Absolutely beyond huge. Eternally huge promises. Salvation is His biggest. Do you have that one secured?