Just beyond “beyond the veil”, beyond this dimension where we live – there is a whole different existence prepared for us by God. And it’s eternal. Got your mind around that? For those who accepted Christ in this life — it will be totally… Awesome!
Timeless Infinite Continuum
Time is not forever. We each will have time end. Time’s up! My last breath will stop, and time will be no more, for me. I will pass in a flash from time – to eternity, where time will be no more. The next dimension we will go to – is timeless. God has revealed to us many glimpses into eternity and His plan of the ages. God and His Heaven, and His angels – are in heaven’s dimension of a Timeless Infinite Continuum. Earth’s time is contained totally within our dimension, outside the Timeless Infinite Continuum of heaven. Earth time: It’s like a spinning toy top….