Where you going? You wanna go to Heaven? Be sure to get on the right train.
Letting It Reign Until Hell Is Home
If I were to let sin reign in my body, then — what a mess. But I don’t let it. I am not “these things”. I am strong in Him. Only in Him.
When Christians disappear and you wonder why
One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
Why Jesus will say to some “I don’t know you”
After that moment of passing, that moment of death, where will you finally be? There are two possible scenarios for you when you reach your final destination. You will spend eternity on one side of the great divide — or the other.
Choose to change eternity
Jesus divided eternity into two sides, so to speak. There is a place you do not want, and there is a place where all the good is. Where you going to go? Easy choice. Jesus said, “Do it, and you will live….”
What are you filled with?
You can change the course of eternity! Do you want to really live large? Make Jesus your Savior, the Lord of your life — forever.