Doing anything habitually is quite a challenge. We must really truly want to! What are we to do “habitually” – according to Jesus?
Saying no to Jesus is a dead faith with dead works
God calls His followers to reject sin (2 Corinthians 7:1), all that He calls “sin”, and press on to our upward calling (Philippians 3:12-14). Fake faith does not fool God.
Christ secured our eternal home
Christ secured our eternal home. Jesus paid it all – so we could be forgiven of all these sins, all our past, all that separates us from The Most Holy God. What’s not covered? He’s got it all covered, penalty paid. We just need to humbly get together with Him and plead His grace upon us.
What Jesus Stands For
As in our centuries past, folks nowadays are loudly claiming to follow Jesus – but their actions and belief system unmask them as actually being against what Jesus Himself taught us in the Bible. Fakers.How fake is that? – to claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, but actually be living a life that shouts down the Lord of the Universe! Jesus will surely surprise them on That Day.
Yielding your will to God
“…he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him.” –1 John 3:9 You can’t get much clearer than that: “cannot”. Too many professing “Christians” are just plainly not “reborn from above”. They are not really saved. They are into habitual […]