IF God saves us, can He unsave us? Can anything unsave us? How powerful is this forgiving God? What kind of salvation does He provide for us?
As dead as a doornail
We will never ever be “as dead as a doornail”. You’ve heard the expression?
Hell by God
…a series about Hell – which was created by God for the banishment of Lucifer.
Getting Right With God
-excerpt from the article What God Did for Man (February 19, 2018) What happens if/when I finally reconcile with God? When I reconcile with God everything changes! Instant Forgiveness 1 John 1:9 Condemnation Voided Romans 8:1 Legally Declared Perfect Colossians 3:3 Promised Eternal Life John 3:16 His Forever Child – Now 1 John 5:13 Eternity […]
It’s Time
Time, by God, is totally different from time as experienced by man on earth. Time will be no more — in heaven. Heaven will be a Timeless Infinite Continuum.