An appeal to NAR-type Charismatic people. Scripture gives the ultimate grim outlook for so-called Christians that adhere to the apostate NAR-type doctrines and practices. The scariest thing about them? “Another Gospel” from wayward false teachers does not get you to Heaven!
When your prophet is wrong
Are you pressured to say something like “God told me this”? “It’s okay to be wrong. Just say what comes to mind.” Beware: NAR charismatic churches have cancelled Old Testament warnings about misrepresenting God. But the truth is… God is still against those who “speak falsely”.
Hebrews 10:19-25
As believers, we can boldly go where few were able to go before. We can boldly enter into God’s very presence through prayer! This is part of the New Covenant: “a new and living way” we can now relate to God because of Jesus death and resurrection. See: Hebrews 10:19-25