To say “I’m following Christ” – that’s easy to say. But, in the vernacular, “You is or you ain’t!” What is your practice? The Bible explains what is “following Christ”… and what is NOT.
It is what it is: The Bible Is God’s Word To Us
Over the course of hundreds of years, the Bible was put together by God — so that we could come to believe that Jesus is God Himself come down to earth to redeem a people to Himself, the Messiah, Son of God. God put the Bible together by inspiring writers with His message. Have you read it for what it is – God’s word to mankind? It is important to not read-into-it, not remove what makes us uncomfortable, not reject portions of the Bible where it says what we do not want to hear!
God Damned “Believers”
Almighty God has provided a very specific justice system to clear our name and our well-deserved verdict of “Guilty”. He has deemed that through a genuine faith in Jesus Christ – the sacrifice of His Son can make us worthy. Is your faith genuinely in the genuine Jesus? Have you been declared “worthy”, or are you still “guilty” before The Creator?