Could it be that only 6% of “Christians” today are actually born again? If we, in our mind and in our conduct, cannot accept the totality of what Jesus taught, then how genuinely can we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior? Something went wrong! And thus… the 6%. Startling!
Accepting Jesus – Plus Some Other
Do you acknowledge the dissidence between your “want-a-be” and your whatch-ya-be? The truth is you can’t have it both ways. Salvation in Christ is what it is. God has shared His Way with us. It is not “whatever you make it to be”. Salvation is not something you make up for your own convenience. Are you saved by God? Or are you hoping your own way will be good enough?
It is what it is: The Bible Is God’s Word To Us
Over the course of hundreds of years, the Bible was put together by God — so that we could come to believe that Jesus is God Himself come down to earth to redeem a people to Himself, the Messiah, Son of God. God put the Bible together by inspiring writers with His message. Have you read it for what it is – God’s word to mankind? It is important to not read-into-it, not remove what makes us uncomfortable, not reject portions of the Bible where it says what we do not want to hear!