The Moses Connection There is an astounding connection that goes all the way from Moses — forward through the centuries to Jesus the Messiah. From way back in history, with Moses, we pass through time – to Jesus… and there we have this man claiming exactly what Moses predicted. What an astounding connection! Back in […]
Jesus abolished death
Quiz time: What was the most momentous act ever? Who has power over life and death? Only Jesus! He has abolished death and He is the One that gives eternal life.
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
We are not saved after all these years – because we clung desperately to Him. No. We are still saved because He holds us firmly in His Hands. “I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved….” (John 10:9)
What being “saved” means
Getting “saved” by Jesus, is 100% a thing of the heart. If your life doesn’t follow your confession, then you did not get saved. Simple. Tragic for many, many who live in error.
Living a forever life – now
Eternal life blessed by God forever — begins the moment you bow your knee in repentance and give Him all of your heart. You saved?
God forgives all wrongdoings of all repentant sinners, no exception
I’m still a workin’ more on being more consistently kind, more helpful, more tender-hearted, more forgiving. How ’bout you?
“I give them eternal life”
When you step into eternity, will you rest assured that you have eternal life? You can.
Never Again
The true believer is in Christ, “reborn from above” – never to be “unborn” again. The true believer will never again be under the condemnation of God. Ever. “That act of becoming born again — is an act of God upon our life. We don’t do it — He does it! And that is why it will never be undone.”