King Solomon knew what a fool was like, and what a wise person was. He was both – at one time or another. What will it be for you?
I am well in my soul
I embrace this life God gave me. I also “Embrace the Suck” (the difficulties). It’s up to me to keep watch over my soul, my spirit, keep it fit, keep it clean, keep it well. Life in Jesus is all about Him. I refuse to “opt out”, to give in to sin. I don’t let it beat me down.
King Solomon’s Fool
Without wisdom, you are basically characterized as “a closed-minded, self-confident fool”, according to the wisest man ever on earth, King Solomon. Solomon said, if you are not following “wisdom”, then you are one or more of several not so wise types.
Losing My Soul
Are you ready to loose your soul – forever? Look to Jesus. Jesus saves repentant sinners.
Losing It
Our hope is always ever in Christ, never in our strength, never in our abilities, never in our own self. Always – our hope is in the One who changed us for His purposes. My salvation does not rest in me. God has me in His hands, and His hands are strong. And He will never let us go. That is why I am not afraid.