Is God warning you about being outside the faith which Jesus Himself shared with His disciples? The faith you receive must not come from those who are “out”. Peter said true salvation is only through “a faith of the same kind as ours” (2 Peter 1:1).
Our defining affirmation of salvation is also here in 1 John
What God does to each of us when we are born again? That is what saves us – what He does to us. But He does not save the “cracked heart”, the one who holds-back anything. Did God save you, or have you deviated into what He is against?
What God secures – You cannot “lose”
We are not saved after all these years – because we clung desperately to Him. No. We are still saved because He holds us firmly in His Hands. “I am the Door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved….” (John 10:9)
Shrink back? Not a chance!
Salvation in Christ is a sure thing — because God Himself saves us. THAT is a sure thing!
Believe in the Name of Jesus
Believing “in the name…” means you believe in “all that Jesus Christ is and does”. Where are you at on this spectrum? Truly saved — almost but not — going to Hell for sure.
Tomorrow is the fool’s day. Tomorrow may never come. This may be it. Today I choose Him, whatever comes.
Children of God
A common misconception out there is that, since God created us all – then all of us are his children, “children of God”. Nothing could be further from the truth, actually. The normal human is actually born into a state of separation from God. Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of […]
I thank God Almighty a million x a million-million-million (to the 10th power) for granting me sonship in His forever family. Do you? Think about it. I am bound for a heavenly home. I am so grateful. According to Jesus’ gospel, I stand before you, and God, and all His angels all around me, with a decree by God Himself, sealed in His Book of Life, granting me eternal, un-revokable status in His Kingdom —— as His own child.