It is a pass or fail test – what God uses on us. Where are you at with Him?
This is forgiveness
The forgiveness Jesus offers us is the most costly element in the entire universe. God, the most highly Awesome One, , lowered Himself in the form of the God-man Jesus to become one of us, a puny human – in order to make His forgiveness possible. With that special forgiveness we are granted entrance into His Kingdom. What a plan of the ages!
Could it be true that today only 6% of “Christians” are truly born again?
Could it be that only 6% of “Christians” today are actually born again? If we, in our mind and in our conduct, cannot accept the totality of what Jesus taught, then how genuinely can we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior? Something went wrong! And thus… the 6%. Startling!
Salvation and Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
What happens at the moment of salvation in Christ? With the birth of the Christian Church era, Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit. Here it starts….
How you can know you are a Christian
The final frontier is just ahead. Ready for it? Do you know you are a Christian? Are you really really sure? Be sure – read the Bible.
The Moment of IF
The Apostle Paul takes us back to the question of questions for all of us about our salvation: The moment of “IF”. Is there any “if” to your salvation story? Could you perhaps have a Cracked Heart?
Tomorrow is the fool’s day. Tomorrow may never come. This may be it. Today I choose Him, whatever comes.