Have you been made viable for Heaven? Just like a human fetus is viable upon conception, ready to launch into living as a human, we can become viable for Heaven – by becoming “born again“. Believing in the name of Jesus makes us viable. Through new life in Christ – we become viable for Heaven. […]
Be careful who you follow
“What’s in a name?” A “Jesus” who is not the Jesus of the New Testament, of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul… is not the Savior who saves us for all eternity. Be careful who you follow.
Believe in the Name of Jesus
Believing “in the name…” means you believe in “all that Jesus Christ is and does”. Where are you at on this spectrum? Truly saved — almost but not — going to Hell for sure.
Are You Seeking God?
Satan blinds the eyes of seekers, those who want to know more about the Creator, those who wonder, “Could it be God who made all this?” But God is greater than Satan. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Now is the acceptable time.