One day soon, Christians will suddenly disappear off the face of planet earth. What will that mean for you? This is happening soon, so let’s talk about what to do.
Now is the acceptable time
Have you ever sensed that God is calling you to repent and follow Him? Now is that time. There is everything to be gained, and everything to lose. Don’t wait.
The Evils of End Time Evil Players
How eerie to read headline news and realize they are predictions made centuries ago in the Bible. This passage in 2 Timothy 3:1-14 lists the increasing evils in the perilous times that we can so clearly see coming to pass in our times. It is only the hope we have within us that will keep us strong.
What man can live and not see death? – Psalm 89:48
“What man can live and not see death?” (Psalm 89:48) Death is quite the non-respecter of peoples. We die. That’s it, for earth time. Done. Finito. But there is One who has had victory over death.
What we will be like – in God’s Home Heaven
In God’s Home Heaven, we will all be: living in incorruptible, immortal bodies…loving God forever “with all that we are”.
Heaven for us – starts when we die
Heaven for us – starts when we die. Heaven is joy and goodness everywhere – always – where only the goodness of God surrounds us.
Time as it really is
The time it takes to go from earth to God’s presence – is faster than instant. There is no waiting around in the next dimension for earth time to finish, no midway point of gathering, no Purgatory. It will be an instantaneous experience for all mankind that ever lived. At the moment of death, our soul instantly leaves…
Timeless Infinite Continuum
Time is not forever. We each will have time end. Time’s up! My last breath will stop, and time will be no more, for me. I will pass in a flash from time – to eternity, where time will be no more. The next dimension we will go to – is timeless. God has revealed to us many glimpses into eternity and His plan of the ages. God and His Heaven, and His angels – are in heaven’s dimension of a Timeless Infinite Continuum. Earth’s time is contained totally within our dimension, outside the Timeless Infinite Continuum of heaven. Earth time: It’s like a spinning toy top….
Right on Time
For articles on “time”, see: It’s Time Verses in the Bible – about Time: Udated 6/27/2021 with all links opening in a new tab Introduction to Time Romans 15:4 For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. […]