I see so many lives ending like an unfinished job, like an abandoned construction site. When on earth I’m done, I want my life to be finished well.
Seeking and Pursuing Death
How are you “doing” your life? It’s only one life. Got anything going for the next one… just beyond the veil?
Hebrews 10:31. How terrifying
How terrifying – “incurring His judgment and wrath”. Will you “fall into the hands of
the living God”?
The Other Side
There is a world of difference between Christ and Mohammed, between following the teachings of Christ – and following the teachings of Mohammed. Choosing Christ takes you up a very different pathway and you end-up very far from where the pathway of Islam takes you down.
Are You Seeking God?
Satan blinds the eyes of seekers, those who want to know more about the Creator, those who wonder, “Could it be God who made all this?” But God is greater than Satan. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Now is the acceptable time.