A series about: Bethel, NAR, false teachings, being apostate, teaching “another gospel”, following a Jesus who cannot save. Do you know what they teach – which makes them so bad and leaves you on the broad road to destruction?
Examples of false doctrines
Examples of false doctrines to stay away from.
Biblical Commentary About Daily News (1)
So sad, that (in some churches) 30% of those around you in church — are not going to heaven. We cannot assume our fellow attendees believe the truth that God came to earth as a man. And THAT is an integral part of the Gospel of Jesus. In fact, many pastors outright teach false doctrines like this from the pulpit, saying “Jesus isn’t God”. Unbelievable! Why worship Jesus, if He is a mere puny man? His death on the cross would then mean nothing.
2 Timothy 4:3
2 Timothy 4:3. Amplified Bible (AMP) “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine….”
They in fact have seen nothing
“Woe (judgment is coming) to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit [claiming to have seen things] but have [in fact] seen nothing. – Ezekiel 13:3. This is the Lord God talking, from a passage in Ezekiel. He wanted us to know about the dangers of foolish false prophets today.
God’s Think
I think. You think. We all think. But, what does God think? Thinking is necessary. But what if your “think” is not God’s “think”? Then your “think” will end so very badly when you reach That Day of Judgement, quivering before God in the realization that it is His Think that rules the heavens, not yours. Read about God’s “think”. What you think – matters. How you act it out – matters more. It will seal your eternity – with Him, or without Him.
What will you do with Jesus?
What will you do with Jesus?…a series on Jesus with excerpts from each article.
About Satan… a series on our Enemy
Series about Satan based on OMG search results: Satan
About False Teachings of Today
A series dealing with the issues of False Teachers, False Teachings, False Practices in the church, dealing with hearts that are far from God – but speaking as if “from God”.
It’s Time
Time, by God, is totally different from time as experienced by man on earth. Time will be no more — in heaven. Heaven will be a Timeless Infinite Continuum.
Saving Knowledge
There is a saving knowledge of Christ, and there is a false knowledge about Christ. One connects you to God and saves you. The other does not lead to Creator God. Do you know the difference?
Do you pray like this, not heeding Scripture?
Biblical prayer is not a decree; and we do not “curse” disease. Please don’t tell me it is based on Jesus cursing the tree! Prayers like “I decree”, “I command…”, “I curse the cancer…”, “I… command it to flee right now”, “I declare this to… dry bones”? What what WHAT! What “promise” of the Word says THAT?
Know Your Evidence
…evidences for a confident faith in Christ Jesus
About God Today
Short Studies About God…. What God has going on with us here on this planet.