The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
You serving two masters?
Is what Jesus consistently taught us the most indicative of your beliefs? Or have you drifted away from those? Spiritual drift can lead to serving two masters. And Jesus said – that ain’t happenin’. No one can…. You cannot. So now what?
Loving the world
If we love the world, and, at the same time call our self “Christian”, then we are “serving two masters” (Matthew 6:24). Do you know what Jesus said about that?
Why suckling with the mother cat does not make the piglet a kitten
Scripture uses farmers terms. It calls true believers “wheat”, and fake believers “tares”. A tare is a plant that grows up with wheat, but is not true wheat.
Tares are like the piglet that suckles with the kitten’s mother cat. The piglet thinks he’s a kitten because he likes the milk. But he’s only a pig, not a cat. The same is true of folk who like the idea of being blessed by Christ, but never yield to Him.
Voting while set on God’s will, His values and His purposes
Quite a thorny issue, voting. Back when this article was written (Oct 27, 2020) the issues were similar to the ones for the 2024 elections. It is extremely important to vote wisely. As a true follower of Jesus – I innately desire God’s will, His values and His purposes in all I do. Are you there?
What sort of person are you?
What sort of person are you? Are you being diligent to be the sort that God wants? My focus is going to be on eternity with God!
God eventually gives you a free rein
Come close to God – before He can not be found. “He will let you find Him.” It’s your choice. However, eventually He will release you to walk your own way. He will stop trying. And soon, it’s too late.
Gritty-Plain Living
Featured Image: Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Christianity, passed away in 2017 at 34 after a year-long battle with stomach cancer. Reference: Nabeel Qureshi Funeral: Ravi Zacharias Reflects on ‘Abnormal’ Life, Faith of His ‘Son’ The great majority of us humans live plain and mundane, unexciting lives, do we not? (Read Job 7:17-18.) None of […]
Prove Me Wrong
The Bible shows us clearly what God has been doing throughout the history of mankind. We see what Jesus has done for us. Read it for yourself. Prove me wrong!
World of Difference
It will make a world of difference which “god” you choose to follow. “It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.”
Which Jesus do you serve?
There seems to be more than one Jesus to choose from these days. Which one is the true Jesus? Who are you following?